'Don't you look eager to go to school today?' he smiled lopsidedly.

She just shrugged and turned a three-sixty in front of him.

'How do I look?'

'Marvelous' He said.

He knew that beautiful was not enough to describe Zareena.

'I don't know why but shirts make me feel comfortable.'

'Huh?' was all he could manage.

'So.... Are you gonna stare at me the whole day? Or wanna go to school?'

He scratched the nape of his back - a nervous habit he picked from spending too much time with Dylan.

'I'm going by my car, you could....'

'Nope, it's fine.' she interrupted him. Why was she allowed to interrupt him? 'I'll go by myself.'

Even before he could protest, she went off.

During his drive he thought about what Zareena said earlier. She told him that she wore the same type of clothes because she couldn't move on from the day the accident happened. And she had been wearing the same clothes she had been wearing that horrible day, everyday as an reminder.
But today she was wearing a grey shirt. Does that mean she had move on....?'
Zareena was quite through every class. But, it seems like she had been listening because she had done all the homework. The whole school was talking behind her back. She was even named as the zombie princess. They somehow got to know that Zareena was rich and everyone was trying to get to know her better. But, no one tried to talk to her and no one tried to touch her either because they were scared of what she was capable of doing. And yet, Zareena thinks that everyone in school hates and neglects her.

He finally got her permission to introduce her to his friends during lunch. Only because he promised her that he'll buy her chocolates for another month though.

Steph and Zareena got along perfectly when they got to know that they have the same ambition to be an astronomer. They started talking in numbers and letters that the only thing James understood was the occasional English words like planet and star. Dylan entertained her with football stuff. It seems like she had her a passion for football as much as Dylan did and he was the captain and quarterback of our football team. They were friends immediately. Though the same cannot be said with Amy. She wasn't going to braid friendship bracelets just yet. The way she glared holes at Zareena when she wasn't looking tolls him that much. When lunch was over, Amy stood and stormed away. They all stared at the path she disappeared for two long seconds.

'I'll go check on her' Dylan ran where Amy went.

'she doesn't like me' Zareena pointed. 'I don't blame her either.'

'Give her some time.' Steph said nonetheless. 'It's not easy to gain her trust, but when you did, there is no trust worthy friend than her'

'You know her better than me' she shrugged and went to the next class.

James didn't know why Amy acted like that. It was hard to be Amy's best friend but that doesn't mean that it was hard to be friends with her. Amy wasn't mean to anyone. Even to the girl who slapped her across the face. She liked to get to know people but the way she acted today was.... odd.

'Hmm.... Zareena was right when she said she aroused the dark side of anyone.'

When school was finally over, they went to the parking lot together.

'Hey Z-girl?' Dylan asked. 'Wanna come to my place today? Everyone else is coming. It's just a hang-out'

'I'd love to'

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