|Chapter 21| A spy |

Start from the beginning

Ford had seen some of the symbols before but the only person who used those symbols was... Bill.

g ₒᵤ f ₕᵢₛ ₘᵢₙd ₛᵢₓₑ

Was what stood on the screen as a big red eye appeared too. Ford suddenly started hearing screams echo through his mind as he stumbled back into the wall.

Some tools on his shelves were knocked down by Ford's body being thrown against the wall but he didn't bother to pick them up.

Ford stared in shock at the screen that was now black, and a few sparks came out of the machine. All lights then went out of as the little electricity they had was now gone.

He glanced at Dipper who was still unconscious and then at the devices which were connected to Dipper's temples.

Ford didn't even need to test if Dipper was human or not because now it was more than clear that the boy was indeed not.

Ford POV

I can't believe what I just saw. Dipper was working with Bill. And not only that, but Bill also seemed to be protecting Dipper's mind.

Why would Bill protect anyone?... How much does this kid know? Why is Dipper so important to Bill that he has a protection spell on his mind?

I shook my head. I have enough time to figure that out later, right now I need to warn the others.

The protection spell would get in the way of anything I try right now so the only thing I can do for now is warn everyone.

I have the journal so I should be able to build something that can go through Dipper's mind without it being completely destroyed I just... need time.

3rd Person POV

Ford went up the stairs and into the living room, leaving the unconscious boy alone in the lab.

"Stanley, Mabel, can I speak to you?" Stan and Mabel turned to face Ford. Mabel was helping a little boy who had his knee bruised while Stan was looking after something to eat.

"Is Dipper okay?" Was the first thing Mabel asked.

"He is um... he is okay." Ford said. "You might want to get your parents for this."

Mabel looked nervously at Ford. She knew that her parents... well... they wouldn't really care much about any news about Dipper.

She could remember eight years ago when she was ten and began asking about when Dipper would come home. Mabel remembered that memory like it was yesterday.

Mabel is ten here btw

Mabel had just gotten home from school and was about to ask about sleeping over at Katy's house when Mabel passed Dipper's room. It had been empty and dusty for three years now.

"Mom?" Mabel walked inside the living room.

"Yes honey?" Her mother was watching tv as she was sipping from her coffee.

"When is Dipper coming home?" Mabel innocently asked. The fact that her mother was silent for a few seconds made her understand that something was going on.

"He is... not coming home soon sweetie. But that's alright, no?" Mabel's mother stood up from the couch and kneeled in front of her. "Isn't it nice being the only child?"

Mabel thought for a second. It really was nice; she didn't need to share the bathroom and now she had her own birthday like every other girl in her class.

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