01| a party mishap

Start from the beginning

"Noooo! Why did he leave already?" Ava groans slamming her hands on the table loudly.

"Ya, what gives. Ava wants to continue to stare at him with drool dripping from her mouth." Beth states snuggly while eating her burger.

"Shut up. I am not drooling." Ava yells while subconsciously wiping her mouth. Beth laughs seeing her wipe her mouth earning her a glare from Ava. I pull a granola bar out of my pocket and open it up before taking a bite.

"None of you guys understand me. I seriously have such a big crush on him and I don't even know if I am his type since I have never seen him interested in any girl here. Like come on!" Ava groans again before slamming her face to the table. I nodded understanding her dilemma. Darius has never been seen with any girl not to mention that he has never had a girlfriend. He has simply been single for his whole life. This fact shocks so many people especially girls.

I have to admit I used to have the biggest crush on him two years ago. Now, I am controlling my feelings for him since Ava has a strong fondness for him and I don't want to hurt her in any way since she is one of the first friends I have ever had. I don't want a drift to form between us for any reason at all. Though trying to get my feelings for him to go away is kinda of hard, but I know I don't stand a chance with him anyway.

"So guys, what do y'all think about going to the party that Dylan is holding tonight?" Ava asks raising her head from the table and looking at us eagerly. Beth grins back at her. "Duh of course we are going. Right Hallie?"

"Y-ya" I spoke hesitantly.

"Alright so then it's settle, we will all go together. The three besties. The three musketeers. The three-" Ava cuts off Beth by putting her hand over her mouth. "Shut up Beth we get it." Beth glares at Ava and shoves her hand away from her mouth.

"Hey Hallie, could you come to our dorm room later so we can get ready together." Ava says.

"Okay." She smiles and begins to get up. "Alrighty guys I have to go to my next class. Bye Beth. Bye Hallie." She says while rushing out the cafeteria doors. Beth and I shared a knowing glance with each other knowing exactly where she went.

"That girl won't ever give up on him."


"Hallie, you look so pretty!" Beth and Ava gushed as they stared at me.

I blushed and looked at myself in the mirror stunned. The woman in front could not be recognized. It seemed as if the mirror was deceiving her as it was not the girl she always saw when looking back in the mirror. It's truly incredible what changing of clothes and wearing makeup could do to a person.

The dress that covered my body was a beautiful velvet color that clung to my chest and dripped from my waist. It was a simple solid colored dress but it was still just as stunning. Beth wore a similar dress to mine but hers was green with flowers sprinkled all over. Ava, however stood out among us with tight black dress that shimmered in contrast to light. They had called me pretty before but they were gorgeous.

"Aww my baby, Hallie, is all grown up." I lightly slap Beth in her shoulders while blushing and staring at the floor. "I'm not a baby." This causes them to laugh making me more embarrassed.

"Alright, us gorgeous ladies need to leave soon. The party starts in ten minutes and it takes us about twenty minutes to get there. Come on move your slow behinds." We all hurry up and grab our stuff before leaving the room and hopping into Ava's car.

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