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Teachers list

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

1. Minerva McGonagall:
(Gryffindor Head Of House)
2. Severus Snape:
(Slytherin Head Of House)
3. Filius Flitwick:
(Ravenclaw Head Of House)
4. Pomona Sprouts:
(Hufflepuff Head Of House)
5. Dolores Umbridge:
Defence against the dark arts
6. Cuthbert Binns
History of Magic
7. Amelia Sinistra
8. Rubeus Hagrid & Charlie Weasley:
Care of magical creatures
9. Bathsheda babbling:
Ancient times
10. Septima Vector:
11. Divination:
Sybil trelawny.
12. Charity Burbage:
Muggle studies
13. Percival Weasley:
Law and Politics
Chaos (head of House)
14. William Weasley:
Curse breaking and warding
Chaos (head of House)
15. Fleur Delacour:
Creature inheritances.
Chaos (head of House)
16. Charlie weasley
Assistant Care of Magical Creatures
Chaos (Head of House)





I walked inside Hogwarts. This was the only place I ever felt like home. I was so excited to go in!

When we sat on the carriage I realised that it was a thestral pulling it.

Beautiful winged horses in black. Can only be seen when you witness Death. I've never paid attention to the carriage before. But actually quite interesting.

"The carriages are being pulled by thestral!" I said

"Yeah. I know" Luna, Bill, Percy, Charlie and Fleur said and I sighed in relief.

At first I thought, I'd be the only one. Thank Merlin, I'm not. I don't need any thing special. Atleast, not more than i already have. I hate being the center of attention. I fucking hate it. I'd rather not be known at all. It's stupid. I just want to learn and have fun. And hit Dumbledore in his face. Maybe strangle him with his own beard. Merlin damnit!

The others pouted, sad that they couldn't see it. I just smiled at them. I would be glad if they never see it. Honest.

We were all having so much fun. We finally reached Hogwarts.

We all said good bye to Charles, Perce, Fleur and Bill and ran inside the castle for the sorting ceremony.

The sorting hat started saying stuff. It sang it's usual poem about unity and stuff. Then after the sorting::

"I made a few mistakes during the years and I will be rectifying them. All of them. Some of the mistakes were because they had similarities with each and every house.  It is more prudent to create and entire house for them than sort them in houses that already exist. The new common room is already ready. Hogwarts has agreed. Nobody can refuse me. So I'm announcing a new house.

The house name will be Chaos.

And I will be announcing the names" sorting hat (Alistair) said

All the teachers looked shocked

"The members are:
Hadrian Potter,
Hermione Granger,
Ronald Weasley,
Ginerva Weasley,
Fredrick Weasley,
George Weasley,
Luna Lovegood,
Neville Longbottom,
Blaise Zabini,
Draco Malfoy,
Susan Bones,
Pansy Parkinson,
Theodore Nott and
Millicent Bullstrode.

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