"Father I do not agree with you...Enyo-chan doesn't have any of our clan's connections but they are our crucial members to our clan. They are huge aid of us." Hashirama rectified his father.

"Impressive," Tajima answered, narrowly impressed towards Enyo's reputation and her family. Then he stares at his older son. "Son, what do you think?Do we have the potential to defeat them?"

In a moment of silence, Madara starting at them, evaluating, mixed with anger and stern at the same time. Hashirama looked worried and so does Enyo.

"No...we can't defeat them at this time, tou-sama. Hashirama is stronger than me."

"Someone who's stronger than brother?" Izuna looked dumb founded.

"Well done my son...we have to retreat then.."

"Wait! Madara!...Are we still friends?" Hashirama cried out. Enyo remains speechless.

Madara frowned, "In this situation? What the hell do you think Senju?" Then he swiveled his eyes towards Enyo, then back to Hashirama, " I'll see you in the battle field. So long."

Then the Uchihas dissapeared first.

It took all of the silence until Enyo heard splashes of water steps incoming towards hers. As she completely turned around, she suddenly received an impact slap onto her face that her water floating jutsu failed and shrinking her legs slightly.

Hashirama was terrified and promptly jumped infront of hers then helping Enyo. He frowning upon his father, " Tou sama! She doesnt deserve this kind of treatment. Blame me instead!"

"You put our clan's name into danger, Enyo. From now on, you will never be ever to serve us... I will terminate your family's contract."

Enyo was staring at his secret father in terrified and dumbfounded.


"Enough! Go home with your brother now!!"

"Please let her stay with us!"Hashirama stubbornly argued as he cried. However, Enyo softly, touches Hashirama's shoulder as it means to let her half brother stay calm. They were glancing at each other, Enyo then shows her a light smile.

"Hashi-Kun..." and then she walks through her half brother and faces bravely in front of Batsuma. Hashirama was flabbergasted.

"Batsuma sama. This is all my fault... I should be the one who terminated not my parents...I beg you for your continuous protection for them...please!"

Tobirama scowls, he hates it as if she's a Senju clan. But at the same time, he's also worried about the dangerous actions that might have killed her in these circumstances. 'Now...is she thinking this time?' Tobirama wondered.

"Fine...but don't you dare come near to me and my sons...not even talking to them or else your family will be dead for sure. You will serve the other clan members only but not us."Batsuma spoked out.

This at least Enyo still monitors her father, half brothers and the clan. And a constant protection of her household.

".....I will...leader-sama..."she answered, downheartedly and bows in front of him. "Forgive me for being pertinent and disobedient to you. I will promise not to do it again."

"...Enyo-nii....."Hashirama murmured guiltily.


Hyuuga Clan....Meeting Room..

Inside of the room, they were five members of the Hyuuga clan. A leader typically sat in front of the other clan members while the rest were facing the leader.

"Toshiyo-sama, Have you ever noticed that this mysterious kunoichi keep attacking us or the other clans every time we facing the Senju's?" One of the clan members said.

"I agree...could she be a reinforcement member of the Senju clan?" another spoke out.

" Inpossible...Her powers are strange, I never see her performing hand seals ...as it means she's not a shinobi."

"She is still a shinobi... She only uses a super strength and an unusual sword fighting techniques against us. She uses this kind of pair of golden long cuffs that dodges weapons and taijutsus even her body is like made of diamond stone as it always cuts our weapons out. She's also penetrated to any types of weapons and Jutsu powers."

"What should we do to defeat that brat, leader sama?"

The leader took a long silence, thinking of this matter which has been bothered the whole clan for ages. This kunoichi, little monster or whatever that is has to be irradicated. She might have a strong connection from the Senju clan because she always defended children like herself... That's all he suspected off.

"Gentlemen, I think this is the good time to engage an alliance...with the other clan."

The members were glancing at each other then eyed back to their leader.

" With whom my lord?"

At this moment, the clan leader named Hyuuga Toshiyo stays in silence... Thinking that this might be the only way that could defeat that mysterious kunoichi with extraordinary strength, swords skills and hidden power that they couldn't reveal yet who keep intruding the clan war's business. It getting out of control and wasn't sure if Batsuma knew about this kind of coward sabotage....

" It will be the Uchiha clan..."


To be continued...

Next: Clues Diamond

AN: Yup too short and been a long time. Will update this story soon 🙂

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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