love is lost

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zoe is sad she feel in love again but only for the haters to bring her down again. zoe decides to go live on periscope to her fans and complains about how she is still a child even thought she is going into university soon. so she gets angry and yells that she loves cody but cody simpson.  because she has brown eyes and she loves people named cody and that dance around with scribbles all over the place. So zoe  larvern takes a flight from chicken alaska to sweden to full fill her dream of being a cult leader so she goes on 34 hour long flight to sweden to live her cult life and she loved it frollicking in the long grasses making friends with the tics and kids but one thing she hates is not being the center of attention. So she seeks out the two most popular cult members birger and bjron so she starts a relationship with bjorn and they are so cute and sexy amd have both big brown blue rainbow eyes because when you join swedish cult you turn rainbow ( which means you have to take acid everyday until your eyes turn rainbow) they have the wonderfullest time as cult buddies but then zoe has ulterior motives 😏

a few weeks of dating bjorn she get hundry,hungry for birger the hottest cult boy ever!!!!! she loves bjorn but she could not keep her lust for him. She spent months with bjorn they normally have conversations about pickles and how much zoe misses music that isn't just abba because sweden only knows abba nothing else and, The swedish chef who is the most important person that has ever come from sweden ( other than gordon ramsey) 

zoe and the midsommeir cult are all jamming to abba dancing in circle wearing the white long flowwinf dresses but zoe doesn't like the long flowy dresses because they aren't fasonable for her so she wears a orange caammo flauge pants and a bright pink tube top and isnted of dancing with everyone she is doing the renagade because she wants to be the center of attention.


midsomer the seque : a modern day love storyWhere stories live. Discover now