They Find Out

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"But are you okay?"
He asked looking down at me his voice was filled with concern. I shake my head no but I know that I was okay. I lay my head against his chest. Feeling is warrants as I slowly fall asleep.

Little did we know someone was watching the whole thing happen. And all h!ll was about to break loose.

It was the next day. I woke up in my den so, I guess Brandon carried me back. I hear a whole bunch of arguing outside. I see the pack arguing in front of my den with Brandon trying stopping them from entering? I step forward. And then-

~~Lucas's protective~~

I get scratched downwards on my left bottom jaw. I hunkered down immediately scared of what I've done what did I do!?

"W-What did I do!?"
I asked looking around frantically.

"Why didn't you tell us you were a water wolf!"
Richie demanded

"This makes us trust you less!"
David said

Everyone was yelling at me. Except for Devin, Plant, Polly, Miss. P, and Brandon of course.

"He had his reasons! It isn't his fault his pack was killed just because they knew he was a true Alpha and a Water Wolf! He was trying to protect you all!"
Brandon shouts over everyone. They stop yelling at me and look at him stunned. I use this opportunity to escape I ran into the woods and don't stop. Until my pulse gave out. I have no idea where I am now.

~~Brandon's spective~~

"Wait how would you know this!?"
My brother asked looking at me confused.

"Because he told me he trusted me enough!"
I shouted back

"Why does he trust you more than anyone!"
David said

"Because he's my mate and he trusts me.* at this moment I realized he was gone* now if you don't mind me I have to find my mate!"
I say starting to follow wear his scent leads.

~~Richie's perspective~~

"We messed up didn't we?"
I asked look at the rest of the pack. Who looks just as disappointed in themselves for jumping to conclusions as I did.

"Yeah we did...."
David said

"We have to make it up to them!"
Blake said

"But how?"
Kit said

"I think I know!"
Devin said

~~Brandon's perspective~~

I ran for a while until I find him. He seems to be knocked out or fainted. It looks like his paws giving out underneath them. I carefully carry him towards a den I knew was nearby. This was in the area I used to escape the pack and my brother. There was a nice den nearby next to a lake and a waterfall.

Once I get there I lay him down. I make sure his paws are injured or he wasn't injured in general. I sat there waiting for him to wake up. I can't help it start to think to myself.

"At least you don't have to hide anymore........ My ocean"
I was very slightly chuckling. We have an accepted each other as mates yet. That I would die to protect him already. I just haven't worked a nerve to ask him if I guess. Maybe I'll do it soon. If the time is right.

I wait for.... I don't know haw long because, he look so peaceful when he's asleep. Not stressed or worried just calm and relaxed. I like seeing him like this. Eventually he wakes up it's around midnight.

583 words

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