My pups

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×+×+×+× 3 days ×+×+×+×

~~ Lucas's perspective ~~

I woke up to my pups nursing. I kissed kiss on the forehead. The boy was the first one. He took after his father in size. They girl took after me if in the runt of the litter. I don't know what their Magics are quite yet it's too early to tell. But, I can't wait.

"Good. Morning Moon, & Sun~"
I say lovingly kissing them on the forehead again.

I haven't left the den since I had my pups. That means I haven't eaten to. I now I need to eat soon so I can keep feeding thim, and to be honest I'm quite hungry.

'Maybe I can do a little hunting...'
I thank to myself

"I'll be back my pups don't worry~ stay hidden"
I said kissing their forehead, and I left to go hunting.

~~Brandon's perspective~~

It been 3 days and no one has seen Lucas. I felt like he was in pain but, then it stopped. I now hes not died. But I need to find him.

I started to look around the territory. Whin I catch a scent of a dead rabbit. I followed it. I see Lucas tearing the dead rabbit. He seemed to de fine, and seemed to be in a hurry. I stay at a safe distance following him.

He goes to the waterfall and goes behind it. I follow him into the waterfall there was a small cave whith in. It was a den. I stay quiet watching.

He eats the rabbit, and goes to the bed. I noticed hes scent smell like you just had pups. Thin I see 2 pups on the bed...

"Mama back my pups~"
Lucas said loveingly he kissed there had.

He lays down and they nozzle into his stomach. It seems they are nursing.

I show myself

"Lucas why did you have pups?"

311 words

Love you my Alpha (Fairy Tail Origins)(FTO)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat