Chapter 8: The Truth

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Kaito's face reflexively scrunched up as a noisy *Breeeep Breeeeep* echoed throughout the quiet room, creating a ringing in his ears. Slamming his fist onto the obnoxious alarm clock, he stood up from the bed and stretched any lingering exhaustion from his muscles. He yawned and made his way out of his room.

A small frown crossed his face as he was forced to remember the events of yesterday. How Maki had behaved, and how concerned he was. With the way he'd slept, yesterday as a whole may as well have been nothing but a bad dream. Although, he knew all too well that was just wishful thinking.

But maybe today would be different. Maybe Kaito would talk to Maki like yesterday never happened, and she'd say it was nothing, and that she was feeling better. Maybe he would get to see the warm glow of joy sparkling in her crimson eyes again, and maybe she'd have another bright smile on her beautiful face.

Those hollow hopes gave him that little spark of determination he needed. Today would be better, he repeated in his head. As he went through his typical morning routine, he etched those words into the walls of his mind. There was no use in getting bummed out, anyway. Just so long as he kept on smiling, things would work out.

Kaito rode that wave of courage out of his dorm room and off to the front entrance of Hope's Peak. He quickly made his way to his classroom, waving at his friends as he passed them in the halls. He had yet to spot Maki, which meant she was probably already sitting in her seat.

When he arrived at the entrance to his classroom, Kaito paused to draw in a long breath before opening the door. His eyes darted around as he searched for Maki, but she wasn't in the room. This surprised him, as she was usually there before he was. Uncertain as to what he should do next, he silently made his way to his desk to speak with Shuichi, who was reading a black hard-back book.

"Hey, Shuichi," Kaito called as he set his stuff down next to his desk, "Mornin'!"

Taking his attention away from the book for a moment, Shuichi looked over and responded, "Good morning. Any luck with Maki?"

"Nah, actually, that's what I wanted to ask ya'." he explained, "Have ya' seen her at all today? I couldn't find her in the halls, and when I got here she wasn't at her desk." The detective tipped his head in confusion and set his book down on the desk, his focus now completely on his friend.

"That is odd..." he noted, rubbing a finger across his chin, "I haven't seen her at all today either, and class is due to start any minute now."

"Do ya' think we should ask Kaede if she's seen her?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. Kaede seemed quite bothered by Maki's behavior, and it might be unwise to approach her about it right now."

"Yeah, I get it..." Kaito replied, the volume in his voice slowly died as he uttered those last few words. A fuzzy uneasiness began to simmer in his throat as he thought about Maki's absence. 

Then, the door to the classroom creaked open, and in stepped Maki. The ember of hope that had carried Kaito through the morning was quickly snuffed out as he got a good look at her tired, hollow face. Silent and swift as a shadow, she made her way over to her seat. Seconds later, the bell rang loudly through the school.

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