Chapter 18

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                                                                                  (George's POV)

    I cannot wait to marry Amanda. It is crazy that we are engaged but it also feels so right. Things won't be easy because life isn't easy. Whatever ups and downs in our lives, we will go through together. I leave for Manchester tomorrow to start the UK/Europe tour. Being able to two again and play shows after not being able to the past two years feels incredible. There is no other feeling like the one I have when playing shows. I love what I do and I am beyond thrilled to get back at it. "You seem excited." Amanda says as she scrolls through the calendar on her phone. 

  "Trying to figure out a date?" I ask as I finish setting things up for my trip to Manchester tomorrow. We will have a soundcheck early so I will have to be ready to go. "I wish you could come with me tomorrow." 

  "Yes I am trying to figure out a date for our wedding which you probably should help me with. Why can't I come tomorrow?" She asks with a pout on her face. 

  I sigh. "Because as much as I begged Jamie and I really begged, he won't let you. I want to take you to show you where the band got started but." I state. "He will not budge try as I might." 

  She shrugs. "It's fine I guess. It will be a lot harder when you guys are in the U.S. I would love to spend as much time with you as possible. Plus wedding planning to do." 

  "That we do. Speaking of, we can't plan much when we have not set a date yet." I sit next to her on the sofa. I have no idea when to set as the date because Matty and Adam haven't told me when there wedding date is. We have to work around the band's schedule and around our personal schedule which is making things slightly more difficult. We are doing it that way because my mates will be my groomsmen and her mates will be her bridesmaids. It is important for them to be at my wedding and for me to be at theirs. They are family and always be there. They mean so much to me and her mates mean a lot to her. 

  "I know that Matty and Rose are getting married on February 16th and Destiny told me that her and Adam are getting married on March 17th. What about April 2nd for our wedding?" She suggests. 

  "How did you find that out? They didn't tell me that. April 2nd sounds like a great day to get married. That also gives time for the other four to go on their honeymoons." I state. "So we have a date decided?" I ask. 

  She kisses me on the cheek. "That we do which means we can plan other things. Unfortunately we don't have time to hunt for venues for the wedding." 

  I sigh. "Well there will be a free day between the two London shows and the show after that." I state. "We can hunt for venues on that day." 

  "That is a while to wait but I guess it will have to do I guess. This is our last night of freedom to do whatever we want and I mean whatever we want to do." She says. She has this look in her eyes, it is like a look of lust. 

  "Someone is horny." I state, locking eyes with her. "Should we move to the bedroom?" I suggest with a slight smirk on my face. I can tell that she wants to move somewhere more comfortable. 

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