Chapter Thirty-Seven: Riley Everett

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I'm never moving again.

You know when you find that perfect spot in your bed where your entire body just feels so good. I've reached that stage of euphoria. As per the usual though, my quiet morning is ruined by heavy knocks on my door. I grumble in response and refuse to move, my muscles frozen in place on purpose.

If I ignore them for long enough, they will go away. That is until a key is inserted into the door. I should've never given Rubble that key, worst decision I've ever made. Good thing is I'm hidden under my duvet, like completely, even my head so hopefully they don't see me and I can just pretend I never heard them when I see them later.

"It doesn't look like she's here." I almost laugh at the confusion in Lexie's voice. I know all the women and their men are here, so is Rubble and I'd assume Boulder is here too.

"Yeah, she is." Fuck sake, Boulder. That's it, we're over. He yanks the duvet from my iron grip to reveal my face but I just fake sleep, I'm too tired for these idiots I swear to God. "Are you really fake sleeping right now?"

Yeah, right. A real fake sleeper won't reply to that, stupid. Uneducated. I stay pretend asleep because if I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it properly. I had training on how to play dead for long periods of time so guess who's gonna win this, me. One hundred percent, me.

"Wake up and I'll buy you churros from the theme park and an entire bottle of your favourite tequila."

"You had me at churros." I grin at Rubble from my now seated position and he rolls his eyes. "Good morning, humans. Why are you here?"

"Salon day." Marielle cheers and I look at her with tired eyes.

"You moved me from my perfect position to go to the fucking salon?" I groan and throw myself back on the bed, dragging my duvet back up to cover my face.

"I told you." Boulder says with a laugh, "just get up, you nutcase." I remove the covers just to glare at him.

"Fine, get out. I have to get dressed." Everyone but Boulder leaves and I give him a look.

"I have seen and tasted it all, darling."

"Fairs." I pick up my suitcase and throw it on the bed before walking into the bathroom. I fix myself up for the day with the basic things: brushed teeth, brushed hair, makeup, deodorant and perfume before picking an outfit.

I slip on black leggings with a black bandeau top - so I don't have to wear a bra - and a long cardigan in a light cream. I just put on some trainers before tackling Boulder on to my bed for the sheer sake of it. "Good morning." He just laughs with a soft groan. I skilfully roll off of him and walk to the lounge where everyone is happy eating my snacks and sat on my sofa. "Let's go then."

"I'm driving." Saviour says and I give her a look.

"Fine but I call dibs on the AUX."

"Good thing, Cassie never comes in the car with us." I grin at Cassie, who absolutely hates my taste in music. I'll admit, a lot of it is very dirty, the rest is British grime and the remaining few are absolute bangers. It's not my fault she has bad taste in music.

I clamber into the front seat of Saviour's Range Rover and connect my phone to it. Oh, this is gonna be fun. I roll down my window and choose 'Mr Brightside' by The Killers, turning the volume up so loud and shouting the lyrics - the only way it should be sung - while laughing at the looks on the girls faces.

I manage to get them singing soon enough and sadly, the ride to the salon only had time for two songs so I played 'Hey Ya' by Outkast. When we get there, there are four hairstylists and four chairs, there are five of us. "I forgot about that." Lexie says with an awkward smile, they all look at me and I laugh.

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