Spifeys PO box

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Hey everyone!
This is not going to be a story (Im sorry about that) however I am here to talk about Spifey's PO box.
I'm lucky enough to live close by and able to send things for free to the PO box and knowing how my situation is like with some others PO boxes (dreams + skeppys), I know how much it costs to get a message shipped so this is why I am opening up a message request system. If you would want to send a message to Spifey, please message me (my messages are open) and send me your message.
If it is a private one, you can send it to me on a google doc and I will print it out and put it in the envelope without looking at the content (I promise you all I won't read them, I know how it feels to have private stuff getting read and it hurts).
But ye if you want a message to be sent to Spifey and will be seen from him, please message me and I will send it off. I promise you all that these will be send and I am doing it free of charge because I want all of you to get your message heard.
Anyways thanks for reading this (if you did) and I hope you are all well

also working on a new oneshot but idk when it will come out

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