Trick or Treat (Dream Team)

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A/N Halloween was a week ago? NO IT WASN'T SHHH! But ye. I was meant to upload this on Halloween however it did not allow me to and then I read it over and I didn't like it so I decided to rewrite it and I still didn't like it so I sent it to splofffy so half of this oneshot (the good bits) are done by Splofffy so please go check them out :3

I do have a sleepy boys Halloween one coming soon however it will not be near Halloween. SORRY. Also, COVID DOES NOT EXIST HERE! ANYWAYS ENJOY!

Dreams POV

I was talking to the boys when there was a knock at the door. I raised my head, at first in confusion, but then remembered. It's Halloween. I quickly grabbed the sweets and went over to the door, Sapnap and George staying in the lounge. When I opened it I was quite shocked. There were three kids standing at the door. One dressed up as Sapnap, one as George, and one like me. I couldn't hide the happiness on my face when I saw them, people were out as me on Halloween! I grabbed the sweets off the side and offered it to them.

"So who are you guys dressed as?" I asked, lowering my voice a bit so they wouldn't recognize me.


"Ooo. What are their names?" they were excited to talk, but maybe it wasn't my trio, maybe it was the muffin trio, or maybe the pv-trio.

"They're called Sapnap, Dream and GeorgeNotFound!" another kid said. Okay, maybe it was my trio. The costumes were, obviously, and admittedly, adorable.

George then stumbled to the door wondering why I was taking so long and then he stopped with a smile on my face seeing the kids. Their faces lit up when they saw the man behind me.

"What's taken you so long, mister Dream?" George asked, emphasizing my name. The kids were unable to speak when they heard the name Dream come out of his mouth. George came and rested his head on my shoulder, and put his arms around my waist. "Me and Sapnap are getting bored waiting for you." I chuckled a little, maneuvering myself so I could rustle his hair. At this point the children were freaking out. The GeorgeNotFound AND Dream were standing right in front of them.

"Be patient, both of you. I'll be back in a second." I diverted my attention back to the children who were almost dying from excitement. George rolled his eyes and went to grab Sapnap.

"I'm sorry about those two, they can get a bit crazy this late." I chucked and smiled at them.

While I was handing them the sweets (ITS SWEETS IN BRITAIN NOT CANDY), I heard shuffling from the lounge.

"See Sapnap, they're dressed up as us, however Dream never went to grab us. Told you he's mean." George walked out moaning at Sapnap. "Look! The one dressed up as me is amazing as well." He turned to look at me and gave me an annoyed look.

"He's right Dream, they are in amazing costumes and you wanted to be selfish and not share them with us. How dare you" Sapnap put his hand to his heart and pretended to be heartbroken.

"Shut up both of you. Stop complaining every second." I moaned at the two of them. I then turned to the kids, "There you go. Enjoy your night." I smiled at them and was about to close the door when one of them started to speak.

"Could w-we possibly.. maybe.. get a ph-photo?" The kid dressed as Sapnap asked, shaky and stammering on their words.

George and Sapnap awed at the distraught kids, but while they were busy cooing, I actually answered this poor kid. "Of course, George and Snapmap would be happy too," I nudged George, who backed up into Sapnap due to it. ", Right?" Of course, they answered with their yesses, but then Sapnap spoke up "Wait did you call me snapmap? Oh you're a dead man, just when these kids leave."

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