so we can keep this

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I believe in you.

I know you'll come back

The key to doing this would be quietly. I wouldn't be able to take all of them on at the same time. But if I could work my way from Remy to Jemma, I'd be able to do it.

Once I could get Remy out, that nurse would be able to take her out of here. She'd watch my daughter. And that would leave me to get Jemma.

I felt my heart slow as I crept up on the first two men. A few well aimed punches, along with the element of surprise, allowed me to move forward. I held my gun up, ready to shoot at any moment.

Three guys guarded the truck where Remy lay. If I could get the nurse into the truck with Remy, she could drive it out of here and somewhere safe.

I pulled the trigger.

They fell, one after the other.

The nurse looked up at me in alarm. I motioned her to stay down. She ducked as I fired at the four men who rounded the corner. I downed three of them but the fourth made it to me.

I twisted the gun in my hand and hit him with the butt of it. He fell.

I ran over to the truck, "Get into the truck. You're gonna drive out of here. I'll take her and get her in."

The nurse, a bruise forming around her eye, nodded and scrambled out the the truck bed. I reached in and grabbed Remy gently.

"Daddy." Was all she whispered and cling to me. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her.

"I've got you, baby. I'm going to get you out of here." I whispered as I walked her over to the truck. She cried into my shoulder, blubbering about how she thought I wasn't coming for her.

"Rem," I sat her in the truck, "I'll always come for you. I'd never let you go."

"Delia." She managed to get out clearly, "Finn, Marianne. They're gone. Dad, they're gone."

"Oh, Remy. I know." I pulled her into a tight hug, "I know, baby."

The nurse cleared her throat.

"Rem," I pulled away from her, "I've got to go get your mom. You're gonna get out of here so I can go get your mom."

Remy nodded.

"I love you." I whispered and shut the truck door. The nurse started the truck and put it in drive.

Confident that Remy would make it out, I turned to face the side of the warehouse that Jemma stood in.

One out, now to get the next out.

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