i want another

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I still need you, Ethan,

You're still the only one I love.

There will never be anyone else

It wasn't just her.

I closed my eyes as I took in the scene.

It wasn't just her.

They hadn't just taken my wife. They knew what she meant to me. How I couldn't go on without her. They had already taken my kids. Now they had my wife.

But it wasn't just her.

The hospital room had been empty when I had gotten there. The staff had no idea where they were. Images of how they had taken them swam through my head, each one making me want to rip someone apart. If they hurt her.

But it wasn't just her.

They had Jemma tied to one of the pillars, a suicide vest strapped to her chest. I could see the blood running from a gash on her forehead. The black and blue bruise on her chin from where they had hit her.

I wanted to kill them all.

But it wasn't just her.

They had taken Remy.

My heart broke at the thought of how scared she must be. She was laying in the bed of a truck, across the warehouse, one of the nurses from the hospital sitting with her, talking to her quietly.

They had taken my daughter.

Delia, Finn, and Marianne's faces crowded my vision. These monsters had taken my other kids away from me. They wouldn't take Remy. I couldn't save the other kids. But I could save Remy.

And I planned on doing just that.

They would regret touching my daughter.

But the choice was hard. Who to go after first? Jemma or Remy? Jemma would kill me for considering this. She would have my head if I didn't go for Remy first. But I didn't want to risk losing her.

But if I went after Remy, what would stop them from finishing Jemma?

I bit my lip as I stared down at the room. What if I could only save one of them? What if one of them died? Could I live with making that choice?

A groan from Jemma dragged my gaze to her. Someone had hit her again and she spit at him. I was too far away to hear what was being said.

But I was close enough to make out the barest sound of Remy sobbing. My baby girl, crying for her dad. For her mom. For someone to get them out.

And I made my decision.

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