The sound of the bathroom-door opening caught his attention. Ready to give his mind to this alpha, Ian turned his head, sending a glare which turned into surprise as his eyes landed on the bare and wet muscled upper-body. A white towel dangerously held low around the strong waist. The words of complaint got stuck in his throat. But the surprise soon turned into envy. How Ian wished to have a height and a body like that. How he wished aside from his self-proclaimed alpha-heart, his body was like an alpha too!

"Awake?" Mr. Rayson asked.

"No." Ian replied crossly, looking away.

Rayson Vandal threw an amused look towards his little wife before making his way to his walk-in closet.

"How did I get here? If I remember correctly, I was in the other room." He said, tone accusing.

"Hm? Of course, your husband carried you." The alpha leisurely replied.

Ian got up from the bed, annoyed, following the alpha to the changing room.

"Mr. Rayson, I think we should give ourselves so—"

Rayson Vandal suddenly stopped, turned around, and grasped the little omega's chin, tilting it up, "I don't mind but...are you that eager to see your husband fully naked?"

Ian blinked, realizing he had unconsciously followed him into the changing room. Face turned beet-red, he took a step back, escaping from the alpha's grasp. "Ah, sorry." He said as he hurried out of the changing-room, going straight to the washroom. Sheesh! How embarrassing!

While doing his morning routine, Ian was reminded of something important. His protective-collar. Good thing that this despicable thing was comfortable or he'd have...have done something! He decided to have that alpha take it off immediately. But when he came out of the washroom, the room was empty.

There was a knock at the door. "Mr. Ian?" It was Malina's voice.


"Please come downstairs and have breakfast."

"Coming in 5 minutes."

After getting ready, he went downstairs to find Mr. Rayson sitting at the table reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

He sat down. Malina started serving them breakfast.

Ian cleared his throat. "Mr. Rayson, I want to take off this collar." He said in an emotionless tone.

Rayson Vandal didn't look up, folded the newspaper, and placed it on the table.

He looked up then, beckoning, "Come here."

Ian suddenly felt nervous. But he still stood up and walked over slowly.

"A little closer."

Ian took another step forward.

"Closer Ian."

He took another two steps forward when the alpha grabbed his hand and pulled.

"Wah!" Ian landed directly on the other's lap, his back facing the alpha who immediately snaked his arm around his little wife's waist to stop him from escaping. "Don't move."

Ian didn't listen and struggled to free himself but in vain. "What are you doing!?" He fumed.

"Unlocking collar."

"Why like this!? I can stand!" He tried again, failing.

"This way it's easier to open."

"I don't care. Release me!"

"You don't want the collar gone?"

Ian stilled, frowning. How dirty! Evil alpha! Hiding behind a gentlemanly façade!

But he begrudgingly complied and sat still. "Hurry, Mr. Rayson."

This close, Ian's omega-pheromones were stronger. Rayson Vandal moved closer to the collared neck, inhaling the tantalizing scent, his arm unconsciously tightened around the small waist.

Ian's heart shivered, goosebumps forming and back becoming rigid as he felt the heat on his back and the scent of the alpha behind him became stronger. "What are you doing?"

"Checking if you stink or not."

His cheeks became rosy. What the hell does that mean! I'm a clean person, okay! Before he could voice out those thoughts and struggle again, a beep sounded and the collar came undone. The alpha removed it, placing it on the table.

Arm removed from around his waist, Ian hurriedly escaped, going to his chair as he massaged the area where the collar had been but not forgetting to throw an angry look towards the old alpha who ignored it.

After breakfast, Rayson Vandal went to his company, and Ian to the garden to take a stroll and complain to Sean.

At night, while Rayson Vandal was working in his study, Ian, again, went to sleep in the second bedroom. But found himself in the master-bedroom again the next morning which really made him want to shout curses. But the culprit was missing, apparently, he had already gone to the office. Ian decided that he ought to have a talk tonight.

So, when the night came, and Rayson Vandal was busy in his study, Ian went and knocked at the door.

"Come in."

He entered. "Yes, Ian?" Ryason Vandal didn't look up but continued typing in his laptop.

"I want to talk about something."

"Hm?" The alpha's fingers stopped then. He looked up and leisurely leaned back in his chair, motioning for Ian to have a seat.

"I...I want to sleep in the other room." He said, after sitting down.

"If you like that room so much we could move there."

"No! What I mean...I want to sleep alone."

"Oh?" He drawled. "Why?"

"That's...I mean we're newly married so...we should give ourselves some time."

"Why sleep separately?" He tapped his index-finger on the table. "Shouldn't we cultivate our feelings by being together since we're newly married?"

Speechless, Ian thought about his next words.

"Ian?" The way the old-alpha said his name, dragging it out a little with that deep and calm voice of his always made Ian feel somewhat...uncomfortable.

"I...I don't...don't want to do that." He blurted out.

"Do what?" Rayson raised a brow. Ian swore he saw a smile in those eyes.

"I don't want to be marked."

The alpha leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table and interlocking the fingers of his both hands in front of him in a thoughtful manner.

"You don't want to be marked by your husband," he narrowed his eyes and asked in a dangerously low voice, "then who? You proposed this marriage yourself, Ian. What is this all about?"

"Ugh, no, what I mean is," Ian started, feeling frustrated, "I-I just...heard that it's really painful for the first time so... better t-to do during my heat." He finished with a red-face, feeling embarrassed and resentful. Can't believe I just blurted that!

Silence. Why is he not saying anything! Ian could feel those eyes on him, observing him. He raised his eyes, meeting that unsettling gaze even if inside he felt really anxious and nervous.

"Understandable." Alpha finally spoke. "I'll comply with your wish." Before Ian could fully release a sigh of relief and be happy, the next sentence strangled them halfway. "But no sleeping separately."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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