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Harry jumped up. His face was covered with surprise before he quickly rubbed his eyes and threw the covers off his body.

"What, Ron?" Harry said tiredly, he stretched and yawned then grabbing his glasses.

"I JUST SAW DEAN ON TOP OF SEAMUS! They were under the covers luckily but bloody hell guys there's more of here you know! I'm scarred, my eyes hurt!" Ron rambled and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand before flopping face down on his bed. He groaned and scrunched up his face, trying to rid his mind of that image.

As if on cue, the couple emerged from behind the curtains of the bed, Dean fixing his shirt. Seamus was red and sweaty with an embarrassed face while Dean was smirking licking his puffed lips. Ron sat up on his bed, giving a glare to the both of them.

"Don't worry. Only my shirt was off, we just thought we'd have a quick snog," Dean said, throwing an arm over Seamus' shoulder. He chuckled as his boyfriend turned completely red and shoved his face in the taller boy's chest.

Harry smiled at his friends then laughed a Ron still as red as his hair with his arms crossed. The ginger started yelling gibberish once Harry turned and walked towards the bathroom. He shook his head laughing, before going to take a shower.


"Ugh, why Defence first?" Blaise groaned as he stared at his timetable. The students had just been handed the slips with all their classes and now they were just comparing lessons.

"At least your with Draco, I have History of Magic first," Pansy whined and rolled her eyes. Draco sighed and took a drink out of the goblet beside him.

The doors opened suddenly and in came Harry and Ron, Harry's hair looking like he just had sex. Draco's eye brows raised and he looked back down at his half eaten toast.


"Shut up, Pans," Blaise scrunched his nose at her and looked back at the Weasel. Pansy scoffed and then took a quick glance at Granger. 'Merlin, could they be anymore obvious?' Draco thought before standing and walking out.

Draco sniffed as a few tears brimmed his eyes. Early this morning, he awoke to light tapping on his window and he turned to see a black owl with a letter placed in its beak. Draco grumbled and got up, ripping it out of the bird's mouth.

Draco looked at the handwriting and immediately recognised it - 'Father.' It read:

Dear my dearest son,
Before I tell you some news of my imprisonment, you maybe wondering how I've sent you this letter. It was quite easy; I easily convinced the guard with a couple galleons. Continuing on, being in Azkaban is awful and I'm seen as a coward to the rest of the death eaters in here. I've been beaten by them and the guards.

I'm writing this hoping you'll receive it before or on your first day back at Hogwarts. Mainly because the day after I will be given the Dementor's kiss and I will be obliviated. This means that I will eventually pass in the days after.

I know it's something you'd rather hear from your mother but I wanted to tell you myself before she could. I do, or did, care for you and Narcissa because you two were all I had and I miss you more then you know. By siding with the Dark Lord, I thought I was doing what was best for our family but it's now obvious that was not the case.

Draco, I want to apologise. I am sorry for putting you through so much trauma at a young age and I know you may never forgive me but before, what is left of, my happiness is taken away, I didn't want you to hate me. I also sent a letter to your mother and both have charms (made by the guard) that will keep it in this condition for 4 decades.

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