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TW// Mentions of rape


A week had past since Harry's incident with...Dylan. Harry was awake most nights trying to convince himself it was Dylan's fault an not his own. Yet he still felt that he should've just said yes and then Dylan wouldn't be in Azkaban and he would maybe feel better about himself.

Oh yeah, Dylan is in Azkaban. They had a trial two days ago and he admitted to almost raping The Boy Who Lived...and of course with Hermione and Pansy catching him red-handed, he was sent away. Harry did slightly miss him because now he felt more alone then ever. He was pushing people away without even comprehending it.

He was still in the hospital wing. He wanted to go to the 8th year dorms but McGonagall refused to allow it. It was where he was almost raped after all.

No matter the amount of times he said it to himself, he didn't want to believe Dylan was capable of something so cruel. It felt like a stab to the heart to feel so betrayed by him. It was difficult to mention him out-loud but when he was left to his thoughts... that boy was all he could think about.

Harry took showers everyday - sometimes multiple a day. He felt disgusting and he could always feel Dylan's fingers tracing his body and how tight his grip was. The marks were still there as well. He had bruises on his shoulders from how hard he gripped onto Harry and bruises on his back from when he hit the floor and scratches from Dylan's nails.

He was unconscious for maybe an hour before Hermione and Pansy found him. He didn't know if Dylan may have actually raped him. He was in denial but the more he thought about it... it seemed more believable.

Harry never left the hospital wing. He knew people would stare and whisper more then they already did. And of course, the Daily Prophet would want comments and and interview with Harry about the incident. He wasn't ready to talk about it yet. The only think he said was a quiet 'thank you' when Madame Pomfrey came around with food for him and Draco.


He was leaving the hospital wing tonight. He was finally able to walk and run without his crutches. He was, of course, still wobbly when he stood after sitting down for awhile but he was better, finally.

During the week, Draco was always looking towards Harry; only to see the younger boy curled up and facing the opposite direction. His heart broke at the sight. He wanted to comfort him and hug him but Harry still didn't let anyone touch him... not even Ron or Hermione.

He watched intently as the stack of letters on Harry's bedside table grew larger every passing hour. Most were from Molly and the other Weasley's asking how he was. The other were he fans or people from the war. Harry didn't open or reply to any. He simply ignored them.

Draco was excited to finally leave the hospital wing, after being confined there for almost two weeks. Madame Promfrey had advised him to take walks or runs every day just so legs would get stronger. He agreed and that's what he did most evenings - he walked or ran around the Quidditch pitch.

The first time he did it, he walked; wanting to take in that nostalgic feeling of the place. He remember the amount of fights him and Harry got into on this very field. Sometimes physicals, sometimes just empty threats. Draco regretted every horrible word he said to the boy because he played apart in Harry's trauma.

One night, he found an old firebolt in a cupboard under the stands. It looked similar to the one Harry owned when they were fourteen. He took it for a ride around the pitch, remembering the goals and the chants from the crowd. He smiled at the memories he made with his friends and enemies.

This was also where he had his first kiss and date. Surprisingly, both were boys. His first kiss was a Hufflepuff boy named Simon Adams in 2nd year. He remembered how excited his friends were when he told them. How excited Maria was... He missed her every day.

His first date was in 4th year after the yuleball. Obviously, he went to the ball with a girl. That girl was Maria -platonically, of course - but he planned to go on a date afterwards. That date was with a Ravenclaw boy named Elijah Johnson. He was lovely boy but he only wanted to talk about Issac Newton, Draco found that slightly weird.

He chuckled at the memory. He missed being young with no responsibility and the worst thing that could happen was your chocolate frog running away. Now everything was different. Everything seemed to change after the war and Maria's death. Draco changed but for the better.


Currently, Harry was curled up on his bed. An oversized hoodie covered most of his body. He stared, blankly, at the wall. His expression was unreadable.

Draco sighed and turned away from looking at the other boy. He casted a quick tempest charm and realised the time was nearing 7; the time when he was supposed to run around the Quidditch pitch.

Roughly closing his book, he stood up and walked to the bathroom to put on some shorts and a different shirt.

Harry turn around when he heard the door close. He bit his lip and decided to stand up. He wobbled slightly since he hadn't stood up straight in over five hours. He a small smile played on his lips when he successfully walked over to a shelf next to Madame Pomfrey's office.

He ran his finger across the spines of the books. Many were old and falling apart at just the lightest touches, whereas others looked brand new. He read a couple of the titles in a whisper to himself.

"Jane Eyre, Macbeth...Pride and Prejudice," he had heard that one before. Aunt Petunia the same book on the coffee table. It was just for decoration - never read. Harry would be surprised if he found out any of the Dursley's could read.

He picked it up and opened to the first page. Harry carefully read each sentence, admiring the way the author wrote.

"Sense and Sensibility was always my favourite from Jane Austen."

Harry jumped out of his day-dreaming state. Draco stood a few feet away from him, in clothes he thought he would never see him wear. The Gryffindor gulped and closed the book, gripping its spine tightly.

"Harry... I um- Pansy told me about what happened-" Draco began but Harry abruptly stopped him from continuing. Draco would just apologise but it wasn't even his fault.

"Don't. It doesn't change anything," Harry said firmly, yet his voice did crack on the first syllable. Tears became present in his eyes quite quickly.

Harry looked down at his feet, biting his lip harder before walking back over to his bed. Draco sighed when he saw Harry close the medical curtain behind him.

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