Destiny looks at me. "I might be getting a few ideas yeah. I know we haven't set a date yet but still. I figured I would gather some ideas. Mainly ideas for my wedding dress." 

  "Well that's great that you are looking for ideas. You are meeting my parents tonight." I remind her. 

  "Yes I am aware. They're going to ask about a wedding date." She says, putting the magazines down on the coffee table. 

  I sit down next to her. "I am glad you are doing well today. I know they will ask that very important question but we don't have one yet." I state, pulling her close to me. 

  She kisses my cheek. "Can we discuss dates for the wedding?" She asks me, pulling out a calendar. "I know what dates you'll be gone and when you come home." 

  "I know that. I am surprised that you are keeping track of my schedule." I state in shock that she keeps track of my schedule. I can see that she marked the dates where I am gone and the unmarked ones are when I am home. I am surprised that she cares that much about me. 

  "I have figured some things out for us. What about February 15th?" She suggests. 

  "That's the day before Rose and Matty's wedding." I tell her. I am guessing that they haven't told her that they decided on a date. I know that they mean a lot to her and Matty is one of my best mates. 

  "They didn't tell me that. So what about the first week of March?" She suggests. "That seems like a fair enough suggestion right?" 

  I kiss her cheek. "I think the second week of March makes sense. That will give Rose and Matty time for a honeymoon." 

  She nods. "Yeah I think that the second week of March sounds good. So what about March 17th?" She suggests. 

  "That sounds like a lovely date to get married." I agree before pressing my lips to hers. She kisses me back, wrapping her arms around me as we do. She relaxes into me as we kiss. I can feel how much she loves me. Our chemistry is amazing and it grows stronger every day just like how my love for her grows every day. My love for her keeps growing every day and I cannot wait to marry her six months from now. She is the love of my life. I didn't think I would ever find someone so amazing as her. 

 She pulls away from me. "Don't we have a dinner to get ready for?" She asks me. 

  I check the time, noticing she's right. "Yes we probably should. It is supposed to be fancy too. At least they'll be the ones paying dinner." I joke, getting off the couch. 

  She gets off the couch. "They are taking us somewhere fancy? In that case I probably should shower and pick out a dress to wear." 

  I smile. "I can help you pick something out if you'd like. Do a quick shower though because I have to shower too." 

  She smirks. "Maybe you could join me in the shower?" She suggests to me. I can tell what she is thinking in her head. 

"You're The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me" (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now