"THIS IS FOR MAKING ME FALL EARLIER!" she shouted playfully

She throws the pillow but I quickly miss it

"Haha" I grinned


"ugh get over that"




we chased each other around the living room making a mess everywhere, laughing at our confessions and frustration towards each other until we stoped in synchronisation.

Our eyes widening as we both stared at the two love birds who were staring back at us in confusion.

It only took a glance between me and Soo until we both cracked up again laughing hysterically at their faces

They both had messy hair, Jennie had a big red mark, which I assumed was a hickey, at the side of her neck while her shirt was inside out. Lisa had lipstick marks all over her face.

You could tell they did something. They didn't even bother trying to cover it up.

But what confused me the most was...

For the first time, I wasn't jealous at all.

"You guys look funny" I smiled, wiggling my eyebrows up at down at them

"Yeah, I wonder why," Jisoo said with her fingers stroking her chin. We glanced at each other and cracked up again

"Looks like you too have been having fun" Lisa muttered, her eyes darkened while the veins in her neck sprouting. Her chest rising. Her gaze focused on me

If looks could kill I would be long gone.

"Yeah a little too much fun," Jennie said, which confused me a little. Her eyes staring deeply into Jisoo's eyes

Is she jealous?

I yawned falsely " you tired unnie because I'm exhausted"

"Yeah we should go to bed it's already one am"

"Yeah... Goodnight guys" I whispered. But then rushed back near the couch to make my bed with the two blankets and pillows I had

Gosh I probably embarrassed myself

I look up to Lisa making her bed next to me where Jisoo was supposed to lay

"Isn't that Jisoo's place" I questioned

"Yeah but we swapped so it's you, me, Jen, then Jisoo"


"Why I thought you would like me laying next to you" she winked

Ugh such a flirt

"I don't mind......just don't wake me up with your kissing session in the middle of the night with Jennie"

"I won't promise you that" she chuckled

I rolled my eyes

"Goodnight guys" I muttered

"Goodnight," they said back, together.


I woke up in the middle of the night feeling tingles on my back as someone's hands were inside my shirt pulling me towards them. Whoever it was' felt warm and cosy making me feel extremely comfortable

It's probably Jisoo

I slowly turned my head trying not to wake whoever it was but my eyes widen as I look up to a peaceful looking Lisa.

Although it was dark I could see her clear skin glowing, her breathing very calming and steady

She was comfortable and I was about to ruin that.

I nudged her and silently breathed "Lisa"

"Mmh" she responded

"You're hugging my back"

"So," she asked quietly raising one eyebrow

"I'm not Jennie"

"It doesn't matter chae. Just go to sleep"

"But Jennie is right there you should be hugging her not me"

"Well I chose you so got to sleep, you're acting as if we've never hugged before"

I tried to pull away but she held me tighter and her hands travelled further up near my breast.

My heart raced madly as my breathing became unsteady, my cheeks crimson red.

her touch tingles

I think she noticed my nerves when she whispers in my ear with a low husky voice.

"Are u blushing"

"Erm... I d-don't k- I mean no" I stuttered quietly

"K" she kissed my neck softly making me melt and moan. she drifted back to sleep, still back hugging me.

Is that it?
What did that mean?
Why do that when I'm trying to move on

So many questions without answers

Why are you doing this to me Lalisa?

JEALOUS | CHAELISA [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now