NO More Harassment With Names and How I Spelt It

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If I hear/read/see one more comment about or this name is spelled wrong or that's the wrong transformation name this index is for me and my fanfiction books not for the show and in reality there are a million things to call them other people do it. Bloomix for me I changed to Dragonnex because it's not from her it's from the Dragonflame of the Great Dragon.

And I listen to shows that I watch with an underrated skill called Phonics and that's because I study languages such as German and French so I will use alternative spells of names to make it more diverse.

I have had three of these comments already on separate books each and I'm tired of them and if I see more I will report the people who said it. And that comment will be deleted from my books because it can qualify as harassment because you're reminding me it doesn't agree with the show and I know it doesn't and I changed it because I have different opinions and if you cannot deal with it then just don't read my fanfictiond then!

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