Miniature Helpful Deeds

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This is something I didn't have room for in other books but it will explain what Lillian, Bloom, Mirta and the the rest of the Mystics started doing well with the minaturized forms.

This is something I didn't have room for in other books but it will explain what Lillian, Bloom, Mirta and the the rest of the Mystics started doing well with the minaturized forms

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"Oh what a lovely day don't you think?" asked Lillian. "Perfect for a special fairy surprise huh?"

"I think that is a wonderful idea Lillian we could help so many of the poor people in the different realms and children," Alice said.

"And it will be a way to rewrite many stories and give innocent people better futures," says Mirta. "Plus it would be hard to figure who would be doing those good deeds because no one would be able to see us in that kind of miniature form of ours."

"I think that was her point," Alice said. "But Rain you should leave the tiara here on the bed."

"If only Bloom were here I'm sure she's going to want to help, "Prisma states. "Oh well the other Winx girls are in teacher training and Frieda is still at Rainbow Valley."

Lillian winks and whispered, "She will be back sooner than you know it, Prisma. Hands in Mystics forever! Enchantix! Fairy Dust Minaturize Us All!"

The Mystics chanted the special spell and were small people now with wings. They looked as pretty as the lady bugs and butterflies around them.

Lillian and her Mystics group along with one more Enchantix fairy.

"Where should we start first?" asked Mirta.

"The Alfea Gardens they don't really have the same lustrous glow to them as before don't they all the toxic heavy thick air is making them so pale and dry."

"Wouldn't that be kind of too obvious?" asked Rain.

"Not necessarily, "Alice says. "Besides you have three fairies with shimmer and shine and Rain all gets along with Magix nature. We have the exact team required to spruce up those gardens round the school campus."

"Merr-ow," Chuckles mewed.

"Hey kitty," Lillian says. "Now I see the world from your eyes, Chuckles."

She kissed him on the nose.

"It feels so weird being as tiny as your kitten Lillian," sighs Mirta.

"Cloudtower witches don't know what it's like to fly around in miniature form for awhile." Prisma states. "I'm estatic to lighten up some needy people's lives anyways. The smiles are the most reward for all of us right?"

"Absolutely," says Alice. "I love doing this normal but it will even be more amazing with people not noticing us."

"It will be like a miracle has happened," Rain admits. "I'm ready for a real adventure especially if it's about charity."

"Charity is easy when you have already been fed but if you weren't would you still give up a piece of your meal, Princess Rain of Magix Realm?"

"Lillian is right, is true charity is when you have enough for yourself but give everything away." states Mirta.

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