Miruko: sorry big guy you're fight is with me.

Batman made up to the roof of the building, then proceeded to run across the rooftops top make it to were the other heroes were fighting so that he could provide support. He eventually made it to the ledge of a small building that was right over the action. Batman then pulled out he grappling gun again to swing down and help the heroes currently fighting the nomu.

Batman: lets go!

Batman then stopped when he heard yelling from one of the heroes down on the street. The hero was yelling Iida's name in a attempt to find him. Almost immediately Batman knew what happened to Iida.

Batman: Iida must have went to go find the hero killer. That stupid moron is going to get killed. I need to help him but the heroes might need my help too.

Batman then surveyed the area to see how the heroes were holding up. When he did he noticed the number 2 hero Endeavor and Shoto arrive to help.

Batman: thank God, with them helping I can focus on finding Iida.

The problem was that Batman didn't even know were to start looking.

Batman: alright Batman think, what do you know about the hero killer? He never kills only one hero per place he goes. All of his victims are found in alleyways away from the public eye. So there is a good possibility that he is in a secluded alleyway were he is less likely to be caught.

Batman then fires his grappling hook to the other side of the street and begans his search for Iida. As this was happening on the other side of town a figure stands over the incapacitated hero Native. The figure was the hero killer Stain and he was ready to bring down his sword and end the fallen heroes life. But out of nowhere another person called out to get the hero killers attention. That person was class 1A's rep Tenya Iida.

Iida: HEY!!!!

Stain then looked over to see Iida standing at the end of the alley.

Stain: what the....who the hell are you?

Iida: the one that is going to kill you!

Stain: so just another false hero for me to kill.

With nothing more to say Iida charge at Stain with incredible speed. As he did Stain jumped away from the hero Native and readied his sword.


Iida then jumped into the air and preformed a tornado kick that was amped up by the engines in his calf's. Stain ducked under the kick that was aimed for his head, the missed kick then hit the wall blowing a whole in it.

Stain mind: I better not take a direction kick from this boy.

Not letting up Iida continued to go with the momentum of the first kick by throwing a spin heel kick with the other leg. Stain jumped back from this kick and put some distance between the two of them.

Iida: I going to make you pay for crippling my brother.

Stain: what?

Iida: you put my brother in the hospital and ended his hero career.

Stain: if your brother is s hero and I put him in the hospital it's because he deserved it.

Iida: I'LL KILL YOU!!!

Iida charged straight at Stain in an attempt to attack him. When Iida got close he threw a powerful back leg round kick at Stain's knee. In response Stain slide his leg back out of the way but just like before Iida used the first kicks momentum for another kick. This time the kick he used to fallow up the first kick was a Capoeira hook kick. Stain seeing this coming leaned his upper body back just enough for the kick to miss. When it did Stain leaned his body forward again but used that momentum and preformed a rear leg push kick hitting Iida right in the solar plexus. The kick was hard enough to send Iida rolling back a good distance.

Stain: this is getting old. Let's end this now so I can go back to what I was doing.

As the fight between Iida and Stain was happening, Batman was still searching the city looking for the two. He then leads on the ledge of a building and peered into the alley below just to see that it was empty.

Batman mind: damn it, this is the fifth alley I checked. If I don't find Iida soon he could get killed. In his state of mind there is no way he will be able to handle Stain himself.

At that moment Batman heard a giant crash then shortly after head a yell of anger. All of this was only a few blocks away from were he was at.

Batman mind: that could be them. If I hurry I might make it before something bad happens, no I will make it before something bad happens.

Back in the alley Stain was now standing over a immobilized Iida.

Stain: shame to see that false heroes can be so young, at least your death will help teach the younger generation what it means to be a true hero.

Iida: I'm not dying yet, not until I get revenge for my brother.

Stain the lets out a disappointed sigh.

Stain: there really is no redemption for you then.

Stain the raises his sword over his head with the blade pointed down ready to stab Iida. Iida seeing this closes his eyes, not in fear but in frustration and anger in himself.

Iida mind: I'm sorry I couldn't get revenge for you brother. Please forgive me.

Right as Stain was about to bring the sword down on Iida, a metal projectile came flying in from behind Stain hitting and knocking the sword out of his hands. Surprised by this, Stain turns around instantly only to see that no one was there. The fact that no one was there was concerning, because even the hero he originally was after was gone. Stain then heard the faintest sound come from behind him, almost like a quick breeze. Stain quickly spun around again only to see that the boy was now gone.

Stain mind: what the hell is going on here?

On the top a roof to one of the buildings that helped make the alleyway below them was a figure putting down Iida next to the hero Native. When Iida was finally able to get a look at the figure he saw that it was his classmate Izuku.

Iida: izu....

Iida was quickly cut off.

Batman: when we are working call me Batman.

Iida: what are you doing here, you need to get out of here. Take the pro and go, this isn't your fight.

Batman: I can't do that. If I do then you will die.

Iida: you don't understand, I have to do this myself. I have to do this for my brother. The hero killer must die.

Batman: then what?

Iida: what?

Batman: after you kill him then what will you do?

Iida: I....

Batman: what, go to your brother, tell him you killed the hero killer. Do you think your brother will be proud of you?

Iida just remanded silent.

Batman: I do know what you're going threw Iida, that's why I will be the one to take down Stain.

Iida: because were friends, and a good friend is willing to stick his hands in the mud and the muck so that there friend can keep there hands clean.

Down in the alley Stain looked around trying to find the one who was doing all this. See his sword he ran of to pick it up. As he did he felt the presence of someone standing behind him. As fast a he could, Stain grabbed his sword and turned to face the man responsible. Standing in front of him was a tall dark out line of what Stain could only describe as a creature of the night. The only this visible to Stain was the outline of the figure and it's solid white solo piercing eyes.

Stain: and who the hell are you?

Batman then made his way out of the shadows, to come into full view of Stain.

Batman: I'm Batman

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