The Movie

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Everything was falling into place. Mao Mao had skipped patrol again, not giving a definite answer as to why, and now Adorabat and Badgerclops were getting ready. They'd do a quick fly by over the town to make sure everything was all right, they'd hide the aerocycle, then they would make their way up the path to HQ to see what was up with Mao Mao. The plan was perfect.

"Badgerclops, I think I should go on a full patrol, and you check on Mao Mao." Adorabat said as they parked the aerocycle at the end of the pathway.

"Are you sure?" It wasn't often Adorabat opted out of things like this.

"Yeah. One of us needs to watch the citizens." The bat flashed a smile. She really had matured since she first met Badgerclops and Mao Mao.

"Well, if you're sure." The badger patted the top of her head.

"I'm sure. Good luck with Mao Mao."


Mao Mao was in his Lucky Ducky jacket not two minutes after his deputies had left. He couldn't wait any longer, especially considering what he had planned. The sheriff held his mug of his mother's tea in his paw as he sat on the couch, An Adventurer's Loving Heart in the DVD player.

He'd been anxious to see the movie ever since Badgerclops had told him they had it. It was based off of his favorite book after all. It totally had nothing to do with the fact that it had one of the best gay couples Mao Mao had ever seen.

Mao Mao had realized he was bisexual thanks to that book. Somehow, An Adventurer's Loving Heart had managed to intertwine not only homosexuality, but other sexualities, and even genders! It was such a diverse group of characters that the sheriff had fallen in love with. He hoped the movie could even be a glimmer as good.

"Only one way to find out!" A thrill went through the cat as he pressed play. He was sitting at the edge of his seat at this point, unaware of the plan brewing not far outside his door.


"Charlie, no!" Mao Mao wailed in his regular voice. Charlie was the non-binary best friend of the main character, Ethan.

Right now it was at the part where Charlie had gotten hit with a slow killing spell by the sorcerer who had kidnapped Ethan's love interest, William. Poor Ethan was having to watch Charlie die in his arms, and it was heart breaking. Mao Mao always cried at this part in the book, and the way they depicted it in the movie was perfect.

"Charlie! Stay with me!"

"I'm sc-scared Ethan. I don't w-wanna die."

"Die!? No no no, I'm not gonna let you die. You'll be okay Charlie, you'll see."

"Ha! You alw-always w-were the optimistic one. We're m-miles away from an-any help. We both know I wo-won't make it."

"Don't talk like that Charlie. I...I can't loose you. You're the only family I've got."

"You'll be okay buddy. J-just go get Will."

"Not without you. Please Charlie, please don't leave."

"I'll...I'll never leave you. You're my best friend...after all."

"Charlie? Come on buddy, talk to me. Charlie? Charlie!"

Mao Mao grabbed one of his comfy blue pillows and hugged it to his chest. It was so big that it covered up most of his body. He wailed into it as if he had suffered a great tragedy. The cat really got into this story.

"Charlie! No, not my sweet baby!" Since Mao Mao's mug now sat on the floor by the couch, he flopped onto his side. He cried into his comfort pillow, waikiki more over the loss of such a great character.

"Charlie!" Mao Mao's high voice rang through the whole house in a sad tone. Oh how loosing a favorite character could just break your heart.


"You came for me."

"Of course I did."

Mao Mao watched intently as Ethan approached William, who the sorcerer had locked away I a tower room.

"But why? It's my fault all that stuff happened. If I had just kept my distance, you would have been there to keep the kingdom safe during the sorcerer's attack. You wouldn't have lost you place as a knight, and Charlie wouldn't be-"

"Hush my love. It's alright. Charlie wanted to help me find you, and the rest if that doesn't matter. I love you, that's all that matters."

"You love me?"

"Yes William, I love you."

Mao Mao screeched as Ethan and William leaned in and kissed. The movie had been perfect, and he loved it. The love story of Ethan and William had been portrayed perfectly on screen, and seeing it made Mao Mao's heart soar.

The sheriff couldn't deny it, he was in love with this story. He'd often fantasized about being in a relationship like that, someone who cared enough about him to go through so much just to save him from an evil villain. Particularly about a certain badger he had a crush on. Surprisingly, Mao Mao was not the hero in those fantasies, he was the one being saved.

It would be impossible to count how many times he fantasized of the cyborg saving him from some danger, relieved to see him okay. He'd wrap his arms around the sheriff and hold him closely, whispering sweet nothings into the cat's ear. They'd stay in their embrace for awhile, before eventually the badger would tilt Mao Mao's chin up in a gentle hand, gazing intently into his eyes. They would stay like that for only a moment before they closed the space between them, their lips urging to feel the other's, before they eventually came together and-

"Mao Mao?" The cat jumped clean off the couch and into a fighting stance at the sound of his name.

"Badgerclops!" The sheriff quickly looked down at what he was wearing, and at the pillows and stuffed Lucky Ducky figures he had brought down with him. He'd brought his book and music player too, his teabags sitting neatly on top of them. Badgerclops crossed his arms and gave his friend a look of a mom who just caught her kid doing something they weren't supposed to be doing.

"You wanna explain what's going on here?"

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