Mao Mao Accidentally Blows Up Trees

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"Alright 'Clops, how are we doing this?" The sheriff asked as he and his deputies entered a rather large clearing in the forest.

"Let's start simple first, just a quick run around the clearing, climbing a few trees, that sort of thing." Mao Mao nodded along, then positioned to get ready for running.

"Good luck, Mao Mao!" Adorabat cheered. She sat down and leaned forward attentively.

"On your mark," Badgerclops started, turing on a stop watch just to see how fast his boyfriend went, "get set," Mao Mao's feet dug into the ground, ready to push off, "go!"

The cat took off, moving so fast that neither Badgerclops it Adorabat could see more than a blur. As Mao Mao jumped up to the second row of branches on the nearest tree, the badger noticed how the feline didn't move in his usual sharp movements, but his movements instead flowed together, appearing more natural and fast. The sheriff was now jumping from tree too to tree top, the biggest smile on his face as he latched onto a branch with his tail, and used it to propel himself to the next tree. Mao Mao hadn't felt this good in so long. He felt free, like he was flying.

A branch suddenly snapped under the cat's foot, but it caused no problem. The feline merely caught himself on a stronger branch with his tail, then propelled himself to the next tree. He was so absorbed by this flying feeling that he didn't hear Adorabat and Badger yelling warnings until it was to late.

The sheriff got flung to the ground by a sudden force slamming into him. Badgerclops got ready to catch the cat, and caught him bridal style before he met the ground. The sheriff's department stared up at the tree,  and at what had sent Mao Mao flying through the air. It was Orangasnake and the Sky Pirates.

"Well if it isn't Mao Mao, and his little friends deputies." Orangasnake mocked, rousing a laugh from his comrades.

"Hey Badgerclops," Mao Mao whispered as the Sky Pirates started descending the tree, "What are those things you added to the tail?"

"Yeah Badgerclops, what are they?" Adorabat asked from her new perch on the cyborg's shoulder.

"Well there's the shield, the blaster, and the sword."

"Blaster?" Mao Mao's interest was suddenly perked.

"Yeah the blaster. You just think about it, and the tail will receive it like a radio transmission." The cat nodded, then hopped down from his lover's arms.

"We're coming, Sheriff!" Rat-a-Rang called out.

Mao Mao faced the tree the Sky Pirates were in, and readied himself. Soon, the end of his robot tail extended, then grew until it looked like a blaster similar to Badgerclops's arm blaster. The sheriff aimed at his enemies, who were now trying to get out before they got blown up, of course they were to slow. When Mao Mao fired, they were blown a long ways away, disappearing from view.

"Awesome!" Mao Mao exclaimed, turning around quickly, not realizing the blaster was still on. Another shot was fired, which hit a large group of trees, then exploded. A large spot of smoking tree stumps now stood where the trees used to be.

"Uh..." Adorabat said as the three looked at where the trees had been, "Maybe we should go."


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