The Prequel

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This is a Prequel to the chapter that Rae Kitano wrote. This is how I think the story started off. There will be a Sequel to her chapter written by me too. Plus given permission I will also clean up any errors in her chapter before posting it up. I will clearly mark which chapter is hers and then proceed with a sequel chapter. Although this will be rather short I wanted it to stand on its own rather than be a one shot in My One Shots ;) stories, so instead this will be a cross between a 3 shot and a short story. Thanks for reading. All inspiration goes to Rae Kitano!!! And also with her permission giving anybody the right to give Tony either gender, I have made this a BoyxBoy, so if you don’t like that kind of story don’t read! Thanks!

Tony’s POV:

“I’m in love…” I sighed dramatically, with my head resting on my hands looking over at the star quarterback. He was tall and broad shouldered. With a very strong build, positively no flab and was dark and sexy!

“Not this again, Tony!” Shane said exasperated.

“But it’s true! I’m in love!”

“Yeah right! You say that every time some guy flexes his muscles or looks at you just right. You don’t really love any of them. You just like to drool about them.” Shane said causing me to whip my head around and glare at him.

“Well excuse me if my sense of love isn’t what you would approve of! HMPH!” I shout as I storm away from him and into the school halls heading to my locker. I suppose it doesn’t help that I say that all the time, but it is true. I am in love with all those people. I keep thinking, this one is the one! And then I go and ask them out only to get rejected. It really hurts. But I’ve never shared that side of myself with Shane. He just wouldn’t understand. Shane is the kind of guy who thinks the world is black and white with only one right answer to any problem. When in reality there are many colors and several shades of each one! But my flamboeyentness doesn’t help. But really that is just a cover to hide how vulnerable I feel. I don’t want anyone to realize that I can be so broken by a simple ‘no’ to dating that I cut myself.

I’m what some people refer to as a cutter. I endure physical pain to overwhelm my emotional pain. Even Shane doesn’t know that I cut myself. I wear long sleeve shirts all the time. Heck even in summer, plus as any good cutter knows, I don’t cut on my forearm where someone my grab but instead on my upper arm. Of course I don’t want any kind of infections so I keep them clean and properly tended to at all times.

Just then as I’m reaching up into my locker I feel a large impact against my right side and someone mutters, “Fag!”

I try to ignore it but it hurts. Before I can cry I think about all the things I could do in response. After getting myself under control I decide to skip class for the day. Quickly I throw what I won’t need into my locker and make a break for it. I get in my beat up car that I could swear looked like it was a dumpster in disguise and leave the school. I drive around a half hour before pulling into a parking lot to the mall.

I hopped out of my beat up little car and ran into the mall. Once inside I headed for my favorite store, Hot Topic. I promptly began to browse the shirts and pants section to see if they had anything I wanted to buy. I was looking at this really cute pair of gloves when I heard a voice that made my hair stand on end. “Well, well, well. I never thought that I would see you here, of all places considering how much we don’t get along.”

The person this voice belonged to, I could only hope was talking to someone else. Because of all the people I ever fell in love with and asked out, he was the only one to actually say yes. We had dated for about three months until he started hitting me and beating me up. I don’t really remember why he did all those cruel things but I did know this; I was positively terrified of him.

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