The Epilogue

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A/N Well now that I have received some nice ‘upset’ comments about ending it tragically, here is the Epilogue to it. :D I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to upload this sooner, but none the less, here it is.

Damon’s POV:

It hurt so much to watch them die. All I could remember was how much they just looked at each other and slowly they just became so quiet. Then there was all the noise of the medics as they shouted at them to hang on. I don’t even remember what I said to them myself. But when they flat lined and I saw the light in their eyes go out. I knew I would never be happy again. Just as suddenly my heart soared when there rang out that faint little beep, telling us one of them had a pulse. Then both of them had a pulse. I don’t remember how long it took or what all happened on the ride to the hospital, every ounce and fiber of my being had been hanging on every beat of their hearts. But I became broken when at the hospital the doctor came out to where I stood waiting with their parents and said that they were sorry but there was nothing they could do.

I stared at the freshly dug graves and bowed my head in pain and sadness. If only I had been sooner this would not have come to be. But then again. A smile began to form as I felt two hands threading their fingers through both of my hands. But then again, luckily it had been an honest mistake of the doctor and had given us the wrong patients’ information. Tony and Shane had both lived. As a means of showing our respects to the two young men whose saddening information we came to visit their graves.

I turned to the boys who had long since stolen my heart. And slipped my arms around their necks and gently brought them closer to me, “I love you Tony.” I whispered to him as I kissed him softly on the cheek, he was still recovering from his imprisonment and rape so he couldn’t really express how he felt, but I felt him relax in my hold with that. Then I turned my head and kissed Shane full on the mouth and pulled back ever so slightly, “You already know how I feel…but still. I love you Shane.” I finish as I kissed him again while hugging gently Tony.

We turned around after laying down some flowers on each of their graves and then we headed back home; and all I could think was how happy I was that I had Tony and Shane alive and well. Well that is they were as good as can be expected.

A/N I know that this is a short one, but I just couldn’t think of what would be best to write. However I HAD to finish it. I hope that it threw you off for a while at least. This is the end of this series and I really wanted to thank RaeKitano for the right to use their chapter and to write this story the way I thought it should be written. So THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I hope this meets your expectations. Comment and Vote. Lots of love, Esther.

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