"You seem pissed about him calling her your mistress more than the pictures getting leaked " Jimin said.

"That's no secret , I am, " I clarified.

"Songul does look good in pictures, whoever took them thought she was your mistress because she's so bright and beautiful and young " Hayon amused.

"Do I look like a 60 years old grandpa ?" I asked and she laughed.

"As someone who announced he got married by being arranged,people will automatically assumed that your wife is nowhere near Songul's beauty" 

"Next time you wanna go out on a date with your wife , go somewhere more private with less people," Jimin said.

"And Honestly, That day , I thought you two went home to " Hayon winked at me and I grimaced at her.

"Stop including me in everything you two do, My style is definitely not like yours" I said.

"True , we were the one who left to.." Jimin winked at me the same way Hayon did.

I shook my head at them and stood up as they both chuckled at me. I smiled at Haru , who immediately returned my smile and I kissed her cheek multiple times and she squealed.

"Anyways , I have to go, " I announced, placing Haru in her carseat.

"I feel so sorry for you " Hayon said and I arched an eyebrow at her.

"Your wife is finally coming from her trip and you're leaving on a trip ,kinda sucks" she explained.

"I'm going for two days, " I said as I turned to look at Taemin who was playing with the toys.

"Still, " She said, handing me the baby's bag.

"The more we're apart the better reunion" I said and she frowned at me.

"I really….-I just can't get you sometimes" She said, shaking her head.

"It's not your job to get me, you had your chance " I said, flashing her a smile.

"Jerk " She answered, looking at me offended as she turned to look at Jimin, who was busy playing with Hiba ,his daughter.

"Jimin!, Aren't you going to say anything ?" She asked as Jimin chuckled.

"He's right baby, You have me now, I just need one thing if you wanna get me" He said winking at her.

I chuckled, lifting Taemin then held Haru's car seat.

"See you guys later " I said , walking out.

"Call us if you need anything," Hayon said and I hummed.

I placed Taemin in his car seat then did the same with Haru .Chuckling to myself as she watched carefully. She was more quiet and calmer than Taemin, just watching with her big brown eyes, supervising everything.

"Is Daddy that handsome you can't take your eyes away from him ?" I asked as her smile got wilder and babbled back.

"He is " I answered, laughing. "You're so beautiful too," I said ,kissing her cheek repeatedly and she giggled.

I drove to my parents house after ,to find Kara's Mom there as well. Since things were fixed between Kara and her Mom. Our mothers were basically inseparable , always going out together, hanging out together, taking care of their grandchildren together, it was such a delight to see them have a good relationship.

"Look who's here " Luna coeed as Taemin excitedly threw himself at her from my arms.

"You must be tired," she said when I placed Haru on the table in her car seat.

The Last Flower [KTH] vol.2Where stories live. Discover now