Leaving For Radiator Springs

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"Well it was a pleasure meeting you Mrs. And Mr. Ramirez. Thanks for dinner." Jackson said before turning to look at Cruz. He still hated her and she probably felt the same way judging by how she was looking at him. She didn't know what to think. He was being polite to her parents at least. Her parents hugged Jackson making him feel uneasy and making Cruz embarrassed.

"Okay, okay he's leaving now! Let him go!" She shouted at them trying to get them off of Jackson. 

She drove up next to Jackson. She led the weary dark racer out from her home. Her parents waving their tires at them. Now he knew where Cruz got her..."quirky" personality...

"Um. Thank you for letting my parents give you dinner. I mean you really didn't need to do that...I know how much you actually hate me so it just leaves me a little...no very confused. But really how is it that you and I are at the same place at the same time?" Cruz admitted to him as she was driving with him away from her parents house. 

"I live in LA." Was all he said

"Wow. That is a giant coincidence. You're not stalking me are you?" She asked in a almost teasing matter but she almost sounded afraid.

"No are you sure it's not you who's stalking me?" Jackson's sexy smirk made her blush bright red.

"Ah no! I would never!"

Jackson turned towards her giving her his best smile. He lowered his lids and spoke smoother than ever this left Cruz feeling a little flustered. 

"How about I come pick you up at 7 in the morning." 

Cruz looked at him like he was insane.

"What? Seven? I was going to leave at noon." 

Jackson was annoyed once again by her but held it back. How can she leave so late? He always did stuff first thing in the morning. Ugh. How was she so slow in everything else but racing? 

"I just do a lot of stuff early." Replied Jackson. 

"Oh okay...so the reason you want to go with me to Radiator Springs is...?"

"Like I said...I just want to learn your moves and maybe...get to know you better..." Jackson lied through his teeth at the last part. Cruz didn't look very convinced.

"You believe everything happens for a reason right?" Cruz nodded her hood lightly. Storm kept egging her on. He wanted to make sure he that she would fall for it. 

"Why is that we haven't really even talked to each other and now we meet up in the most random of all places" 

Yeah. He had this in the bag.

Cruz gave it some thought and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yeah...yeah you're right...I guess..to be honest...I've kind of always wanted to be your friend..." She looked away from him shyly.

He almost felt guilty because he could tell she was being serious. He didn't care this was his sworn rival. Cruz spoke again, not waiting for a reply from Jackson.

"Okay well I guess I'll be seeing you at seven in the morning but I am going to be VERY groggy." 

"I'll get you an energy drink when I come to get you. " Jackson half smiled.

"No you don't have to do that." She said looking at him nervously.

"If I said I'll do it then I'll do it." Jackson's tone changed into a slightly irritated one.

Cruz backed a bit away from him, a little scared.

"Give me your number." He then asked calmly.

"Uh okay...Why do you need it?" Cruz looked at him being a little afraid of him.

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