Life as Symphonique

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Symphoniques POV

Sometimes killing myself is an idea I hold on to for a whole entire day, but my baby is the one that keeps me sane everyday.

Her cries make me happy. They are Songs of joy to my ears. Most parents are irritated when their babies are crying down the place but I'm not like most parents. If I don't hear my baby crying I find myself thinking of how jumping off a building would feel. How the breeze would feel against my skin.

How free i'd feel to be free.

I've been alone from I was fifteen. Being sold countless of times to men. Being abused, raped, tortured. Its sickening when you think about it right.

Of course your wondering why is this happening to me. It all started with me wanting to be popular at school. Wanting to be like the girls on the magazine. Isn't that every little girls dream. I didn't want to be a nerd, I wanted to be popular.

If only I sat down and thought about it before I went and follow the wrong set of friends. The girls I looked up to.

They asked me if I wanted to be like them, if wanted to be skinny and beautiful.

Of course my stupid ass said yes!

They took me out of my house, told me to tell my parents I'm having a study sleepover. They dressed me up in short cute clothes and told me that everything was gonna be fine, but little did I know they were gonna bring me to my worst nightmare.

I was grabbed up by men, taken and sold just like that.

That night I regret the thick thighs and ass God gave me. They were the only thing these sex driven old men wanted.

Lucky for me I made a little money here and there. The men that rape me and leave money are mostly married men. Other than that I don't get money.

I live in the upstairs of the whore house. My boss felt sorry for me when he found out I was pregnant, even though he constantly tell the men not to come inside his girls if they can't afford after morning pills.

I'm not the only teen that fell in this trap ...there are other girls with me but most of them gave into the sex.

Its sad I know.

My baby girls name is Rain Swarez. If by anytime my boss calls me to tell me that its my time. I leave her with the bosses girlfriend. She's nice to me behind close doors but a demon when in front the boss. She said she doesn't want  him to hurt me. What can I say to that?

I've been here some I was 15, I am now 21.

Imagine,  I've been here for seven long years.


Well this is Symphonique Swarez and this is my life.


Short and informative please do comment so I know I can continue on this wonderful journey with you next up .....
A chapter just like this for Daviano Gonzalez we can get all the info's out the way

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