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Adan Jesús Malverde Zaran

Thirty three years old

Adan is the current leader of the cartel. When the triplets turn twenty they will take over. He is calm cold and often comes across as a sociopath. He is fiercely protective and loving. Adan likes to calm down by sparring with his siblings  or star watching.  He is heteroromantic and heterosexual.

Ignacio Apu Inti Zaran

Twenty Two years old

He  is Adan's second in command and head persuader. He like all his siblings(except for Chiara but they'll work it out) speaks English Spanish French Italian and Russian like his other siblings.. He also is able to read aztec. Ignacio likes violence, blood chaos and art. He is accomplished at several forms of painting and drawing. 

Gael Rafael Guadalupe Zaran

 Eighteen years old

 Gael is the most cheerful of his siblings. He is highly protective and will kill for the people that he loves. Gael has a girlfriend and a boyfriend that he adores. He likes Harry Potter, marvel, anime and speaks Japanese along with the languages that they were all forced to learn.

Rainerio Damian Cosmas Zaran

Seventeen years old 

Rainerio is the more serious twin. He works at one of the few legitimate businesses that he family own. He has a possessive streak a mile long. He's usually called Rain by his twin and eri by the rest of his family. Eri likes to bake and when he's stressed the most likely place to find him is the kitchen.

Raimundo Cosmas Damian Zaran

seventeen years old 

        Raimundo is the more relaxed of the twins and he is kind of a slut. He's pansexual and demiromantic . He likes astrology, bad movies, causing chaos, and red velvet cake. Raimundo is called Ari by his twin and Rey by the rest of his siblings. His secret passion is gardening and his has three window boxes.

Sereno Yum Cimil Zaran

fifteen years old 

  Sereno is the calmest of the siblings. He is Sitri's and Mayahuel's triplet and he wants to work in law. Sereno like dogs soccer dancing, comics and cupcakes. Sereno likes to cook with his sibling Si and is often found with faer or is going to find faer.  Sereno is trans and his dead name is never used because WE DO NOT FUCK WITH TRANSPHOBES JOANNE.

Sitri maravillosa Lillith Zaran

Fifteen years old

Note: I imagine Sitri with Blue eyes. Sitri is the most sarcastic member of the family. Sitri has trust issue and does not have the typical understanding of emotions. Sitri often called Si likes the color black non sexual pole dancing cooking and knife throwing. Si is agender asexual and aromantic. Faer pronouns are fae/faer/faers. 

Chiara Reyes/Mayahuel Santa Muerte Zaran

Fifteen years old

Mayahuel is the triplet of Salereno and Sitri. Chiara is kind and often snarky. She likes bike rides snakes dasies and summer. She is perceptive and sometimes makes assumptions that do harm to her relationships. Chiara is horrible in the kitchen and has been banned from it by her triplets. Her favorite thing to do when stressed is paint.

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