Part 13

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Stiles' POV

The next day all I could hear was people talking about Spiderman, I guess Lydia must of told some people, but man does word travel fast in this town, it was already on the news.
My main concern was the Lizard though. I couldn't go to see Dr Connors today; I had Lydia's dinner to go to, so I decided I would go tomorrow during my free period but in case it surfaced again I had my suit packed in my bag.

"Hey so did you hear Lydia got saved by Spiderman last night" Malia interrupted my thoughts as she walked up with Lydia in tow.

"I think I might of heard that somewhere" I smirked.

Scott later walked up wrapping an arm around Malia's waist. "So she likes you back?" I laughed at Scott.

"Yeah" he smiled, pecking her lips.

"That's great I'm happy for you too" i said giving them both a hug.

The bell rang but before we headed off in different directions I stopped Lydia.

"Hey, so what time should come round to yours tonight?" I asked

"Um 6 should be fine"

"Great see you then" I smiled.

School breezed by after that and before I knew it I was standing outside Lydia's house in some black jeans and a nice dress shirt with a bouquet of flowers in my hand because you know, I'm that kinda guy. I took the jeep here because I didn't want Lydia to get suspicious of how I got here because she knows my dad is working. I knocked the door and after a few seconds Lydia answered.

"Hey Stiles" she smiled. "Come on in" Lydia stood inside more so I could enter. She shut the turn and turned toward me.

"These are for you" I said giving her the flowers.

"Aw there beautiful, thank you" she said hugging me. "Come on my moms just dishing up" she said as she led me into the kitchen.

We sat the table after exchanging 'hellos' ready to eat. I was surprised to find out that Bronzino is fish but with everything still on it. I slowly poked at it having no idea how to start.

"Stiles it looks like your having trouble there" Miss Martin said, "here let me help you" she added as she began to help me cut it properly. I looked up noticing Lydia laughing and she mimicked me "oh yeah I love it" whereas I just laughed. After Miss Martin helped me we went back to eating before she spoke again 

"So you guys know anything about this Spiderman that's been on the news?" She asked.

"No, no but Scott wants to find out, he wants to see if he can help him" Lydia explained.

"I wouldn't waste my time, because it looks like he is just going to be more trouble" Miss Martin stated.

"Really" I interrupted "I mean because I saw the videos of the fire and the highway and it looks he's trying to do the same thing we have been doing; protect people but this time he protecting civilians from criminals not supernatural." I explained knowing full well that Miss Martin knew about the supernatural and feeling a little insulted at her comment.

"Then what do you call the creature on the highway, doesn't that look supernatural?" She asked

"Yes but doesn't that prove that he is trying to protect others"

"I still say they should let the police deal with it"

"Mom" Lydia tried to interrupt.

"Yeah because we would all love to see the police force get ripped to pieces by creature they can't handle, a force that happens to include my dad by the way" I kind of shouted.

Lydia had enough she pushed her plate aside and stood. "Let's go upstairs Stiles"

I slowly made my way to stand. "I am sorry Miss Martin if I offended you or came across aggressive in anyway that was not my intention" I apologised and left to go upstairs.


"I'm sorry" I said as we walked into Lydia's bedroom.

"It's fine, my mom has never supported us protecting the supernatural and civilians even after the whole Eichen house fiasco, you were just speaking your opinion"

I stood at the window looking out onto the street. "So what's it like being saved by a superhero?" I smirked.

"Ugh It was amazing and scary but the strange thing is, is I feel like I knew him" she said as she stood next to me.

God I just want to tell her everything, how I feel, how she makes me feel and how I am the amazing guy who saved her. I turned towards her ready to spill the truth finally.

"I'm going to tell you something ok?"

"Ok" she replied as she turned to face me.

"I've been bitten...."

"So have I" she responded and right there I knew what she meant, and I could see her leaning in.

I stopped as I had to tell her, "ok ok ok I gotta tell you this one thing and it's about Spiderman and the highway"

"Oh ok" I saw her shrink and back away.

"No no ok I'm not gonna talk about that I'm gonna talk about me"

"What about you?" She asked slowly stepping closer again.

I paused, I couldn't find the right words. "Ugh I wish I could just say it but I can't it's to hard to say."

"Just say"

"No I can't it's impossible" I said turning away and leaning against the window.

"What, what"

"No no" I said shaking my head.

She sighed rolling her eyes and began waking away.
'Fuck it' I thought and shot a web at her a spun her back towards me. She landed in my arms and I had my arm around her waist and the other on her face.

"Wha... it was... it was yo" I heard her trying to say but I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers and she responded immediately. It was slow and there was no sparks there was goddamn fireworks, it was the best kiss I had ever had.

"Lydia come help me clean up...oh" I heard her mum say from her door as we pulled apart. "Well it's about time" she laughed. "Lydia come help me"

"Coming" she said as she pulled out my grasp, smiling at me but giving me a face that said, 'we will talk about that later'.

I made my way to follow but was stopped when I was alerted and a bunch of police cars drove down the street; sirens blaring. I looked at Lydia who was standing in the doorway and she nodded. I nodded back understanding and opened the window and jumped out. I ran towards Roscoe and hopped in. I followed the police cars whilst simultaneously changing into my suit, ready to swing into action when I arrived at the scene. I parked the jeep a block or two away so no one would recognise it was me and swung into the scene ready for whatever is thrown at me.

So Lydia now knows and we got the iconic web-sling kiss 😍 Managed to shove in some Scalia aswell. Anyway hope you enjoyed and next part should (but not for definite) be up Sunday.


* DISCONTINUED* Caught in a web [Spiderman X TW] Where stories live. Discover now