Chapter 14

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Lydia Cullen

"You what!" I yelled at my brother.

"I need you to talk to August, I need you to come to school with me!"he said looking at the ground

"I'm not your age SLater! I can't go to high school... even though I really want to help you." I really do want to help.but it is just weird. I don't think I could.

"Please, do it for me! For August?" he said.

"UGH FINE!!!! But if mom and dad get me in trouble, it's YOUR fault!" I said laughing.

"They won't find out." he whispered.

"You never know..." I whispered back but I knew he was going to make sure they didn't find out..

He laughed. And so did I.

Next morning it was time for school... well I was ditching my school and going to his. This is gonna be great. He warned me that werewolves go to that school ... and that he is friends with one... well his girlfriend is. I got dressed in my best clothes and got ready for school. Soon we were there in front of the school. I was excited but part of me just wanted to find August and get out of there. I really didn't want to get caught.

"Don't worry they don't care if you go, even if you are not supposed to, they just freak out if you don't go. 57 times, in a row.." he said laughing. That calmed me down a little bit. Then I stepped inside.

"Yo Slater who's this hottie!" said a guy walking up and slapping Slater on the back.

"My sister." he said laughing when the guy blushed and ran away.

"Hey Slater."

"Hey Slater."

"Hello Slater."

"Hi there Slater."


"Slater" So many people knew my brother was popular, he was popular and everyone liked him and everyone knew him. It took a long time for us to get to his first class. He sat down in a seat and pointed at a vacant seat behind him.

This first class was the only class he didn't have with August. And so I sat through 12 grade calculus. It was excruciating, I was just texting my friends. They all wanted to know what high school was like. And I just told them it was crowded, exciting and hard. Really hard.

"Hey how are you doing?" whispered Slater when the teacher walked out of the room to talk to some kid.

"I am so bored! How do you cope with this!" I said. He laughed and so did his friends.

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