
20 10 2

Dedicate to- PelumiAde
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....Growing up I'd always been lucky. When it seemed like almost every kid slipped their legs into the spaces between the slabs that covered the gutters I never did, even though I skipped along the slabs everyday from school. When the kids in my neighborhood found some mysterious plant which they claimed had a striking similarity to ground nuts pushing them to ingest it and causing near pandemonium because they all started vomiting blood later that night I was the only child not involved. When pink eye popularly called Apollo went through my entire school like a breeze affecting both teachers and students alike I was never affected even though my bed mate at the time had it and slept mere inches from my face every day. I never stepped on broken glass or rusted nail growing up, I never had chicken pox or measles, I was always lucky but now as I half listened to the doctor explain to my mom the complications that came with this new development it sounded alien to me. I wanted to laugh, I reigned myself obviously but the thought lingerered well enough to cause slight twitching at the sides of my mouth... The struggle (in this case not to laugh) was real. Suddenly I had a bright moment of epiphany, maybe my luck had run out, I had worn the reserve thin and I couldn't miraculously escape this particular episode. As ludicrous as it sounded in my head it was all I had. When all logic failed one could only grasp unto thin draws of mania in hopes of being grounded in reality.

Merry Christmas to all my lovely readers,followers and people on wattpad🎄

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