Chapter 12

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Hey guys! I know Cara lost her glasses in the last one and I didn't have a solution so I just wrote and I know that's not very good to do but I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter and I'm happy to be here with you guys! You all make my day every time I see you're comments so thank you so much for actually sticking with me and reading even though I'm not the best I try everyday to get better from my first chapter to now so thank you I love you guys!

This chapter does get a little detailed on some sexual topics if that is not for you please feel free to skip what you need! But for the most part this is super cute and fluffy! And Cara is very innocent and not experience but let's just say she does read some fan fictions so she "knows" some things but all of it she's just read or heard from friends and movies :).


Caras p.o.v
I slowly started to feel some of my senses come back and realized my body was wanting to wake up, I haven't opened my eye balls just yet but I heard everyone talking about world ending stuff which is BORING! However, I remembered two very important things at the moment, one was that I had sour gummy worms a few free in front of me on the coffee table and two I am sleeping on super mans lap.......this has been a really interesting day man. I opened my eyes to find everyone all serious and scary looking, I wonder if they ever have fun like just spend time with friends and when I looked at everyone one I shot up from my position with my eyes wide. And Bruce stopped talking and looked at me
"Everything alright baby?" Arthur asked me looking concerned along with everyone else
"Yes but I need to say something, can I have the floor please?" I asked and Bruce looked hella confused but I looked at him with my best pleading eyes and he broke soon enough allowing me to go to the front of the living room where everyone can see me.
"Good evening everyone, I have come up here to fix your debate on these world ending crisis!" I stated very serious so they know I mean business, they all looked at me like I had lost my mind...especially Arthur like come on man gave more faith in me than this!
"What would you purpose little one?" Diana asked me with her brow quirked and I smiled mischievously
"As I was waking up from my semi-nap I noticed how everyone was serious and seemed to be extremely frustrated and stressed, so my proposal starts with a simple question." I said hoping that this goes well or I will cry from embarrassment
"Diana, have you had fun lately?" I asked here first and she looked at me surprised
"Well I do not really have time for that." Diana said and I looked at her with pity and turned to Clark
"Mr.super, Clark, have you had a chance to relax? At all?" I asked and Clark laughed but then said no after thinking about it. I turned to Barry
"Barry, baby, have you even gotten a chance to go out and dance?" I asked him
"No babe, I've been fighting crime I guess." He said sadly
"Cyborg, have gotten to show your flowers to anybody that would admire them?" I asked him and he looked at me and cautiously said no.
"Bruce do you talk to anyone but Alfred? No offense." And he looked intrigued and said no.
"Now Arthur I know you have fun because of me but if I wasn't here no fun would be had." And Arthur agreed
"So my proposal to these hard times are to have a sleepover, right here, right now, with candy a-and movies with face mask and doing hair and nails! With snacks and pajamas and just having fun!" I finally said and they all looked at each other confused until Cyborg abruptly stood up
"I'll do it with you Cara." Victor said with a warm smile and I jumped around excitedly and gave him a high five. We both heard shuffling and turned around to see Barry fidgeting
"Cara I trust you and I want to do this!" He said and came over with a smile and put one arm around me and looked at the other four expectedly, Arthur sighed and got up to join our little circle knowing he can't say no to me, then Diana joined slowly but u assured her this would be super fun! Then Clark came and told me he's doing this for my happiness and I replied saying whatever gets him here on my side jokingly. Last but not least was Bruce who was still looking like he was fighting a war in his head so I tugged on Clark's cape and he bent down to my level
"What is Bruce's favorite snack?" I whispered to him and he looked up in though before his eyes lit up
"He loves pepperoni pizza and brownies!" He whispered back and I'm shocked that Batman had such good taste to be honest, but I nodded and turned to Bruce
"Listen Brucey we are going to order pepperoni pizza and some cookies and brownies and watch movies, I would love it if you would join us...please." We all gave him our best pleading faces and he sighed
"I can't say no to that opportunity so yes I will have a "sleepover" with you guys but only for the pizza!" He said with a finger pointed and I giggled telling everyone to go pack for the night and meet back here at 5:00 sharp and they all said okay and left. I sighed and plopped on the couch looking back at Arthur who was looking at me with a wide smile
"I have no idea how you just convinced the entire justice league to have a sleepover after all that happened, baby I can't even get them to come to a meeting on time!" Arthur said throwing his hands in the air in amazement and I laughed
"Arthur you have to have years of skill to convince people to have fun! And I guess I'm just lucky I was right!" Arthur furrowed his brows
"What do you mean you were "right"?" Arthur asked confused
"I was simply assuming that everyone hasn't had a lot of free time lately and I was right which made this sleepover a lot more of a necessary thing you know?" I giggled and Arthur just looked at me with a smile
"What?" I asked looking at him
"Nothing baby you're just beautiful!" He said and grabbed my face and kissed me all over and I couldn't stop laughing until he stopped and we looked at each other then we came closer and touched lips and I felt shocks all up my body and had to hold onto him because I felt like I couldn't stand on my own, he pulled away so we could both breathe
"Wow" I said breathless staring up at him with admiration in my eyes and he laughed at me cuteness
"You are so adorable baby , never forget that." He told me smiling
"You are the best thing to happen to me, don't forget that, ever." I told him with all seriousness and I think if love has a certain look I am seeing it. And he pulled me closer into him, if that was even possible, and whispered sweet nothings into my ear and I just held onto him enjoying the moment

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