Chapter 6

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So I got a comment about stuttering which I am thankful for because I did not know if I was doing it right but I found out that some people don't stutter in mid sentence so I'm going to try it out but we'll see

Cara's p.o.v
As we go into the car I was jumping in my seat as I was so excited for the aquarium!!!
"A-Arthur when are we going to be there???" I asked sweetly
"In about 20 minutes" he replied and that amount of time just sunk in making me sink into my seat and kick my feet a little bit
"B-But that so loooong" I stretched out as I looked up at him
"Well princess you have to be patient to see the animals" he pointed out and honestly I did not want to get yelled at again so I just slumped back in my seat and pulled out my phone and watched Logan's Snapchat which caused me to giggle when I saw him trying to dance to a new song...which he failed at miserably. As I was looking at my phone I decided to text Logan since I had only known Arthur for a few hours and I was still a bit nervous around him.

Cara: hey!!!
Logan: hey Cara how was the rest of your job last night???
Cara: it was good but something had happened which was not all
Logan:what happened???
I knew he was my best friend so I had to tell him why happened
Cara: some gross guy threatened to kill me and he almost choked me...and I was and Arthur are the only ones that know...
Logan:WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me Cara?! I could've done something...I'm not sure what but I would have...and who's Arthur...wait was HE that guy are you being held captive????!!!!
Cara: Logan calm down and no he's not he's being really nice to me and he protected me from the bad guy
Logan: okay but I don't want you hurt so if anything happens please text or call me I will come pick you up
When he said that I felt all warm in my heart and I saw Arthur kind of looking annoyed I guess because I wasn't talking to him so I decided to just suck it up and talk
Cara: thank you Logan and I will if I need to but I got to go now love you bye!!!

He didn't respond which he normally doesn't respond to the end of text so I just put my phone down and built up the courage to talk
"W-Why did you save me yesterday???" I asked him and he looked surprised
"Well because you were in danger and I needed to save you" He said but I wasn't convinced but said okay and started a whole new topic (I do this a lot if I get awkward)
"C-Can we get ice cream after we go to the aquarium??" He looked unsure
"P-Pleaseee!!!!" I put my hands up held together and he looked at me
"Okay babygirl but no more sweets after that!"  He said and I squealed ready for this full day ahead of us

We made it to the aquarium and it was PACKED to say the least there were so many people and I got a little anxious but I remembered the animals so I calmed down a little bit. As we entered the front doors they asked us for our tickets and I looked up at Arthur because I did not have any tickets on me at the moment. Arthur pulled the man close and whispered something in his ear, the man looked scared but let us through and I said thank you while we walked in...I first saw a bunch of signs that told you where all of the animals were and I jumped up and down.

"Where do you want to go first babygirl?" Arthur asked as I looked around and saw the otters. I tugged in his shirt and pointed to the otter exhibit and we walked down the path to the cute creatures

As we got into the exhibit it was really packed and I couldn't see the creatures very well so I jumped up and down to try and get a view of the hyper little guys and I still couldn't see them. I looked up at Arthur with a pout on my face and he grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd of people and since he was so big nobody go into his way so I got front and center! I saw the cute little otters swimming and playing with their toys and smiling like it was the best time of their lives...I looked at one and he was rolling in the water and coming towards me and I put my hand on the glass and he put his nose to it and I laughed and showed Arthur to which he smiled at adoringly...I knew we had to go look at other animals so I said excuse me to all the people and finally got out of there and was ready for the next exhibit. I saw the sign that said interesting sea animals so I ran into that direction until I heard a booming voice of Arthur
"Cara get back here!" He yelled and I'm pretty sure all of China could here this man but I just kind of kept going to the animals and I knew I would probably get in trouble but like come on it's cute sea animals how can I not, I finally reached the exhibit and saw the first animals which were seahorses and they were in a cute little glass and swimming around without a care in the world and I was adoring them for so long that I forgot that Arthur was looking for me and I'm pretty sure he was worried and so was I because I don't know where he was...but I just sat and kept looking at them because they made me feel calm that was until I heard giant foot steps behind me and a tight grip on my shoulder...I slowly turned around to see a not so happy Arthur looking at me
"Cara! Why did you run away like that I could've lost you!" He growled at me and I looked up at him
"I-I saw the cute little seahorses and I wanted to watch them!" I told him and his eyes softened while he looked at me and sighed
"Okay just know I worry about you babygirl" and I nodded while looking back at the the seahorses and while I looked I saw one coming to me and dancing around I was amazed and looked up at Arthur to see that he was doing it and I laughed and he laughed as well and stopped letting the sea horse be...we left that part of the aquarium and went to the tunnel with the sharks and sting rays in it
"Arthur are you sure the glass is not going to break?" I asked him worriedly
"Yes baby I'm sure, nothing bad is going to happen I promise" he told me which made me calm down and go through with we walked into the tunnel it was beautiful to say the least there were large rays and huge sharks which were scary and majestic some how. I noticed Arthur smiling and looking at his "friends" I guess you could call them and he just looked really happy to be there!

*time skip to end of aquarium because I ran out of ideas*

As we left I held my otter stuffie as tight as I could and was smiling a smile that I have missed. We got into the car and headed to the ice cream shop. When we entered they all greeted us with a kind hi and showed us some of their flavors to chose from...there were so many and I was really not one for deciding but I choose on a trusty classic chocolate chip cookie dough!!! And Arthur got chocolate in general which was really good too (I might of ate some) but we went outside and enjoyed the cold sugary treats...I was enjoying my ice cream until Arthur was laughing at me???
"W-What's so funny?" I asked him and he smiled
"You have ice cream all over your mouth!" He said and I took out my phone to look and when I did I started laughing too because it was EVERYWHERE!...Arthur picked up a napkin and wiped my face clean of any mess and just stared at me and I was staring back of course until I put ice cream on his nose and he looked shocked but laughed
"You think this is funny babygirl?" I couldn't stop laughing so I nodded
"Well what do you think about this?!" He said as he put ice cream on MY nose and I jumped back from surprise but then we both started laughing. After we both calmed down and were full of ice cream we got back into the car and drove back to his house.
"T-Thank you for taking me out today Arthur!" I smiled at him
"No problem babygirl!" He smiled as well and I was just staring at him thinking about how great and caring he is.
"Thank you for caring about me Arthur" I told him being serious because him and Logan are the only two people outside of family that cares for me.
"Babygirl I will always care..." and to that I just smiled and sat back in my seat while we took off down the road.

Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed 💋

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