Chapter 8

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Cara's p.o.v
I woke up tired, and not ready for school or Arthur. "Cara! Are you up?!" My mom yelled I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:20 which is later than normal
"Y-Yes momma I-I'm up!" I answered back letting her know I was alive as I was looking through my closet wanting to put on something cute for Arthur to tease him...just a little bit

I thought I looked really cute and I hope Arthur will think so too! But I have a plan to be a complete brat to see what he'll do which will probably be nothing at all but hey you never know

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I thought I looked really cute and I hope Arthur will think so too! But I have a plan to be a complete brat to see what he'll do which will probably be nothing at all but hey you never know.
To Arthur:
Hey Arthur I'm expecting my punishment today so don't let me down!!

As I sent it I'm sure this will be the death of me

Arthurs p.o.v
I finished putting on my shirt as I felt my phone buzz. Wondering who it was but hopeful that it was Cara I checked the message
From Babygirl:
Hey Arthur I'm expecting my punishment today so don't let me down!!

I growled as I looked at it. Why is she being such a brat? She's normally so innocent...
To Babygirl:
Princess just go to school and I'll pick you up after words and don't try anything or you'll get into more trouble then you already are in.

I tried to sound calm but I'm fucking pissed that she would even taunt me like that when she is already intimidated by me

Cara's p.o.v
I felt my phone buzz and looked at it already knowing who it was
From Arthur:
Princess just go to school and I'll pick you up after words and don't try anything or you'll get into more trouble then you already are in.

Wow he was oddly calm but hey I'm okay with it.

•time skip to school•
As my mom dropped me off and I went into school I saw Logan and headed toward him
"H-Hey Logan!" I said excited
"Cara?! Oh my God are you okay?!" He asked worriedly
I laughed
"Yes I'm f-fine I p-promise!" I told him reassuringly
"H-How much d-do you l-love me Logan?" I asked innocently
"Nope I know what's happening and I'm not going to go through with a plan that's stirring in your brain" he told me playfully, I pouted
"L-Logan i-it's about Arthur." He looked up at me
"What happened?" He asked
"W-Well I h-have a plan to m-make him jealous b-but I need your help" I told him. He looked down at me unsure, I pouted at him with my big doe eyes
"Ugh fine what do you need" he said finally giving in. I squealed and told him the plan on what we're going to do as we walked to first period.

It was lunch and I sat down at the lunch table with Logan but there was this girl sitting with him
"L-Logan who's this?" I asked
He looked at me and said
"Oh! This is Jenny" she looked up at me and smiled sweetly

"Hi! You must be the famous Cara" she laughed "I-Indeed I am" I told her laughing too, I can tell we're going to get along"W-Would you l-like to get lunch with me?" I asked her "Yes! I would love to!" She smiled at me as we got up and went into th...

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"Hi! You must be the famous Cara" she laughed
"I-Indeed I am" I told her laughing too, I can tell we're going to get along
"W-Would you l-like to get lunch with me?" I asked her
"Yes! I would love to!" She smiled at me as we got up and went into the lunch line
"So how long have you known Logan?" She asked me
"O-Oh man p-probably since 7th grade, h-he's always p-protected me, k-kind of like the big brother I've n-never had." She looked at me and smiled
"That's great!" I said thank you and we all sat down and ate lunch together

•time skip to end of the day•
After the sweet sound of the bell rang me and Logan rushed out to the front where everyone gets picked up.
"D-Do you r-remember the plan Logan?" I asked
"Yes, operation make Arthur jealous."
I smiled at him giving him a quick high five before scouting to see Arthur...
A few minutes later I see Arthur's black nice car pull up and I see him looking around for me
"L-Logan h-he's here!" I called him very quickly
"Okay! In position" I nodded at him and he pulled me into his lap and acted like he was whispering sweet nothings into my ear, but in reality he was telling me what Arthur was doing
"He is looking over at us" I laughed and snuggled into him even more
"You smell nice" I said as I laughed and he laughed as well
"He's gripping the steering wheel so hard, and he looks like he's going to kill me" I laughed and jumped when I heard Arthur car door slam shut
"Uh oh here he comes." Logan told me, nodded and felt a shadow on me. As I looked up I saw a very furious looking Arthur
"Cara lets go" he told me in a stern tone that I knew not to mess with
"O-Okay Arthur" I said as I got up and Logan gave me a kiss and a wink before I left and Arthur just gripped my arm and dragged me to the car, he put me in and buckled me seat belt before going to his side
He looked at me with this dark look that was to good to be true
"Little one why were you on his lap?" He asked too calmly
"W-We were j-just talking it's w-what we always do" I told him trying not to laugh
"Oh so you think this is funny?" He said raising an eyebrow at me
"W-Well k-kind of yes, y-you act like I'm y-yours." Arthur snapped his head toward me and grabbed my chin with his hand
"You are mine babygirl and I guess I'll have to show you." He told me and I could see the grit in his eye that dared me to speak back, but I didn't I just rolled my eyes and looked away, he growled and sped all the way to his house with his knuckles so white it looked painful.
As we got into his house he opened the door and as I walked in he picked me up without warning and put my legs around his waist and sat on the couch and put his hand on my jaw so that I had to look up at him
"Now babygirl why do you think this punishment is happening?" He asked me
"W-Well I don't r-really kn-" I was cut off by a light tap on my thigh
"Be honest babygirl" he told me
"I-I was b-being a brat and m-made you jealous...on p-purpose and I was t-talking back." I told him and he hummed
"Thank you for telling me the truth babygirl" I felt relieved, but all of that went out of the door as he flipped me on my stomach and I squirmed, kicking my legs
"Babygirl I am going to spank you and for every one you're going to count and say thank you, okay?" Wow this is more intense then I thought, but I nodded
"Use your words babygirl"
"Yes Arthur" which caused me to earn yet another tap
"No babygirl from now one you are going to address me as daddy." He said and I felt really aroused, I've never really heard any of this but oh my gosh this is just wow
"Yes daddy" I said and I heard his breath hitch
But soon enough I felt the first sting
"One, thank you daddy" I squirmed
"Stay still baby" his voice rasped, and I obeyed
Soon enough my bum was red all over, I could feel the coolness of his rings and they hurt but I was really feeling some sort of way that was new and strange to me. Arthur flipped me back over and just stared at me, looking at me up and down and his breathing was fast. Then out of no where he kissed me, hard and he put his hand through my hair and tugged a little big making me gasp in pleasure and he took this time to stick his tongue in my mouth. He tasted minty and I couldn't get enough, but we had to breathe so he let go and I snuggled into him and smelled his cologne feeling at home and safe
"Babygirl will you be a good girl from now on?" He asked
"Y-Yes Ar-I mean daddy." And with that I feel asleep tired from my punishment.

BABYGIRL A.CWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu