Chapter 4

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Cara's p.o.v
As we entered the car Arthur buckled me up and kissed my head, I was excited to see his house but then I started to get anxious about what my parents would think since I was gone so I started fidgeting and shaking my legs in the seat until I felt a hand in my thigh and I stopped shaking my knee while I looked up
"Why are you doing that babygirl?" Arthur asked very unaware
"B-because I'm n-nervous" I answered pretty normally considering I've had this my entire life
"Oh...well what's making you nervous?" I appreciate him trying to talk to me but I don't know if he'll get it but I will try anyway
"W-well my parents d-don't k-know that I-i'm with y-you and they c-could be s-super w-worried about me o-or call the p-police and y-you would p-probably go to jail or s-something and I would get g-grounded and n-never s-see you again a-and then I-I-"
I stopped feeling a hand come over my mouth
"Okay,okay I get it but that's not going to happen because you're with the aquaman and no one is going to hurt you and if anything your parents should be happy because you have great judgment" Arthur winked smiling and I looked wide eyed at him
"Y-you don't k-know m-my parents t-they w-will kill m-me" I said trying to get it through to him that I could be in serious trouble
"If they try to kill you we're going to have a lot more issues" he said taking off down the road

It was a comfortable silence and we arrived at his house? It was more of a lighthouse with a little apartment like living space up top
"W-wow this p-place i-is cool!!!" I said because I really did like it
"Thanks, my dad is out of town so I figured we could stay here"
"A-awesome!!!" I said excitedly he laughed and opens the door to go inside
"Now, I want you to take a shower and clean up then get into the bed I'll lay some clothes out for you" he said I felt kind of offended...did I smell bad? But none the less I nodded my head

I got into the bathroom and turned on the shower. As soon as the water was hot enough I stripped and got felt sooo good to have the warm water relax my muscles and clean me off from a rough day then I heard someone...probably Arthur open the door
"Hey princess I brought you some clothes they might be big on you though" he said and I blushed when he said princess
"O-okay" he then proceeded to leave me with my thoughts on how to explain this to my parents

I turned the water off and looked at the clothes...his t-shirt and sweat pants...okay?? These pants are like way too big so I decided to just put on the shirt because it was long enough to cover everything. I walked out into his room and sat on the bed and called him to let him know I was there
"Okay babygirl its time to go to sleep" he said and I didn't even protest I landed my head in the pillows and Arthur tucked me in
"Goodnight babygirl" he turned around to leave but I didn't want to be alone and I was still a little shook up
"A-arthur?" I asked and he stopped in his tracks to look at me
"C-can you s-sleep w-with me...p-please" he looked like he was thinking about it but then he smiled
"Of course babygirl!" I mentally sighed and was relieved that he said yes. He proceeded to walk over to me and slip into the bed and turn the light off

He was laying on his side and I moved close to him with my face in the crook of his neck, I felt him smile
"Goodnight babygirl" he told me
"N-night Arthur" I said as I snuggled into him even more...if that was even possible

*time skip to morning*

I woke up with an empty feeling beside me and I noticed Arthur wasn't there so I went pee and headed to the kitchen/living room, as I expected Arthur was standing in the kitchen cooking up some breakfast...could he be and more sweet? Apparently he's not this sweet with anyone so I guess I'm special. I walked up behind him and poked his shoulder and he turned around to look at me
"Good morning babygirl" he greeted me
"G-Good morning A-Arthur" I said back smiling widely I saw he was making chocolate chip pancakes
"A-Arthur t-these are m-my f-favorite!!" I squeal in excitement
"Really? they're  my favorite too!" He told me making me even more excited and I jumped up and down

I was a really impatient person and I was getting hungry so I tugged on his shirt and he looked down at me
"Yes princess?" He asked
"W-when will t-the p-pancakes be ready?" I asked
"In just a few minutes" he said and to me that was like years away so I whined and went into the living room, turned on the tv and put on the Simpsons they made an inappropriate joke and I giggled
"Babygirl the pancakes are ready" he said to me I sighed but stayed sitting on the couch...I heard him clear his throat
"Babygirl did you hear me?" But I just kept watching the tv show going along with life
"H-Hold on" I said holding up a finger he looked taken back
"Okay I'm going to ask one time, little girl please come sit down and eat your waffles" I contemplated on whether I should go over there because I really did want to to eat them...but tv...and the couch all good things that I don't wanna move from
"I-I don't wanna"  I told him crossing my arms pouting...low blow I know but hey it works
"Okay that's it" he came stopping over and grabbed the remote out of my hand
"H-Hey!" I yelled at him
"I-I was w-watching that!" He then kneeled down to my level on the couch and looked me dead in the eyes
"Look little one I know you like the tv and you're comfortable but don't ever tell me to "hold on" because I'm the boss in this house and I make the rules so get your little self up and eat your pancakes" he told me quick and quietly
"Y-Yes s-sir" I told him and got up to walk to the table, I sat down and grabbed the fork Arthur sat down too and started eating his. I ate mine and it tasted soooo good
"A-Arthur! This i-is a-amazing!!!" He just looked at me and smiled
"Why thank you babygirl! I try my best" I smiled with a full mouth of pancakes
"I was thinking I could take you somewhere...that is if you wanted to go anywhere." I was all excited again and I knew exactly what I wanted to do
"C-could w-we go to t-the aquarium?" He looked unsure because he didn't want anything to happen with the animals there
"P-Pleaseeeeeeee w-with two c-cherries o-on top" I said holding up two fingers giving him my puppy eyes. He still looked unsure but I kept holdin strong and continued to look at him with an extra pouted lip, he sighed
"Okay babygirl but if you misbehave we will come home" I nodded but then a thought popped into my head
"I d-dont have a-any clothes" I told him as I was still wearing his t-shirt
"Hmmmmm I think we can stop by your house and get your clothes on the way" he said. I got a little anxious because I didn't know what my parents would say if they knew I was here and had Arthur's t-shirt on but I didn't have any other option
"O-Okay!" I agreed he nodded and took our plates and put them in the sink
"Okay babygirl get some shoes on and grab everything you need so you can take it home with you" I nodded again and went to his room and grabbed yesterday's clothes and grabbed my shoes
"I'm r-ready Arthur!" I called to him
"Okay babygirl lets go" he said and we headed out the door into the car

BABYGIRL A.CМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя