Chapter 24

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     We were setting up the ballroom. I was dusting off the windows and Marisa was setting up the table. The ball was coming up. Soon, Flynn and Amara would be telling the world about their marriage and I didn't know how to feel.

     "Helena," Marisa said.

     I turned to face her and grew surprised by the solemn look she wore. She looked nervous, hesitant as she approached me.

     "Are you okay?" Marisa asked.

     "Yeah," I said. I blinked. "Why?"

    "Because... Flynn is going to marry Amara. I know you're the one who ended it, but still. That's a lot to take in."

     I stared at Marisa, lost for words. It was a lot to take in and I would be lying if I said I didn't care. I loved Flynn. I still did till this moment, but I ended things for good. There was no point in running back now and throwing myself at him, when I so desperately tried to push him away.

     "It's whatever," I said. "I don't think either of them want to be married though, so I hope they can escape this arranged marriage."

     "Yeah," Marisa said, shaking her head. "This entire castle is a mess. I joined a year ago and I'm surprised by how crazy everything is."

     "It wasn't always like this. Years ago, the King and Queen were pretty kind. And Flynn was the sweetest boy I knew."

     My heart tugged painfully. I let out a sigh, wishing I could go back. Back to our first ball, where Flynn held me and I thought I could be his.

     "What do you want?" Marisa asked. I frowned. "I mean, in life. In your perfect life, what would you do right now."

     "Run," I said. "I would leave this castle and never look back. I'm tired of being a servant. Tired of having to deal with all the consequences the title comes with."

     It was true. After the way the Queen and everyone treated me, I wanted to leave. I never wanted to see Flynn again, never wanted to deal with anything royal. All I wanted was a peaceful life away from everyone and everything.

      "Then why don't you?" Marisa asked.

     "Because I have nothing. I came from nothing and I've gained nothing. We don't get paid for this job. We're broke and I doubt anyone else would want to hire me."

     Marisa's eyes softened. There was a pain in her eyes I felt. It was true. Our payment for working at the castle was simply living there. We were given a roof over our heads and food on our tables, and that was our pay.

     "I get you," Marisa said. "Some days, I want to leave, too. I wonder if there's more to life than just serving people. I mean most days I don't mind, but... I don't know."

     Marisa's eyes drifted off. There was a wistful expression on her face, a look that made my heart ache.

     "One day we should run away," I said. I smiled a bit and Maria looked to me and smiled. "We can elope. Screw Flynn or any man. All I need is you."

     Marisa laughed. "Wow, I'm flattered. You'd really pick me over Flynn?"

     "Any day."

     We both laughed then and Marisa shook her head. We then went back to work and the entire time, I wondered if Marisa was right. Was there more to life than this? Or were we doomed to be servants who served ungrateful royals?


     It was dinner time and Flynn chose not to attend dinner, so I had to bring his dinner to him. I held a tray of sandwiches and water on a plate and I entered his room. And upon entering his room, I froze when I saw Amara in his bed, laying down next to Flynn as he smiled at her, telling her something.

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