Chapter 3

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     Marisa and I were setting up the ballroom for the ball the King and Queen were hosting in a few days. Princesses from all over the world were coming to live in the kingdom and the King and Queen were hosting a ball to introduce everyone. They wanted Flynn to fall for one of them, so they could become the Queen of Graythorne and my heart sunk at the thought. Remembering Flynn's distress, I let out a sigh as I swept the floors with Marisa.

     As I swept, I glanced at Flynn, who stood with his parents meters away. He wasn't alone, however. There was a princess with him, a girl with fiery red hair and bright green eyes. Her name was Saoirse, I overheard, and she was laughing loudly at anything Flynn said. She was stunning in her green gown that matched the colour of her eyes and my stomach twisted. Yanking my eyes away, I sighed once again.

     "Flynn looks miserable," Marisa said, shaking her head. "For once, I feel bad for the guy. His parents really want to marry him off."

     I looked back at Flynn and noticed the way he was deflating. He was talking to Saoirse, but his eyes were anywhere but on her. Growing relieved, I shook my head.

     "Yeah," I said. Saoirse laughed and placed a hand on Flynn's shoulder. Flynn jumped at her touch, as if her touch was scorching and I fought off a smile. "He sure does look miserable."

     Flynn crossed his arms over his chest and he lifted his head up. I smiled. Flynn would raise his head up whenever he was done talking to someone. It was a habit I picked up on over the years.

     "I feel bad for Flynn," I admitted. "He doesn't want to get married by twenty one, but his parents are forcing him to get married. I can't imagine how he must feel."

     "Boo hoo," Marisa said, rolling her eyes. "Poor Flynn. Sucks to have to marry a beautiful princess and be the king of an entire kingdom at twenty one. I feel so bad for him."

     Marisa's words were dripping with sarcasm. She shot Flynn a glare and I let out a sigh. Marisa never liked Flynn. She thought he was bratty and uptight, which was why she couldn't bother to empathize with him.

     "Flynn may be privileged in many ways, but he's also very trapped," I said. "He has to do whatever his parents say. He has the pressure of an entire kingdom on his shoulders. His life isn't as easy as you'd think."

     "Why are you supporting him?" Marisa asked.

     She was frowning and I shrugged. Glancing at Flynn who wouldn't look at Saoirse, I let out a sigh. There wasn't an answer to Marisa's question. I didn't know why I was supporting Flynn.

     "Why do you hate him?" I asked.

     "I don't," Marisa said. "I'm just jealous of him, so I cope by insulting him."

     I laughed and Marisa broke out into a grin. The tension between us vanished and we smiled at each other, grateful. Without Marisa, I was sure I'd be crazy by now.

     "I don't hate Flynn," Marisa said. "I just don't get why he acts the way he does. You said he used to be different, right?"

     "He was," I said. "Really different."

     I looked back at Flynn and my eyes widened as he threw his hands up. The King and Queen were glaring at him and Flynn whirled around and stormed off. He slammed the door shut and Saoirse's jaw dropped. And Marisa and I exchanged a look.

     "It looks like we're in for a crazy few months," Marisa said.

     "Looks like it," I said.

     And without another word, Marisa and I went back to work. But the entire time, Flynn was on my mind. As I wondered what he was in for, I couldn't help but worry.


     I was sweeping Flynn's room. It was spotless. The bed was set, everything was put away, and all I had to do was sweep. Flynn wasn't in his room and I grew grateful because after our last talk, I wanted to keep my distance. Because after what he did to me, I didn't want to rekindle what he destroyed.

     "Helena," Flynn said, leaving me jumping.

     I whirled to face Flynn. My eyes were wide and I gaped at him, stunned by his sudden appearance. He was serious, his mouth set in a grim line.

     "How are you?" Flynn asked.

     "Alright," I said. I frowned, unable to believe Flynn was checking up on me. "How are you?"


     Flynn walked to his bed and fell on top of it. He placed one of his hands on his forehead, looking overwhelmed.

     "I just can't believe my parents are forcing me to meet a bunch of random princesses from all over the world," Flynn said. "And I can't believe they'll live here until I pick one of them to be my bride. This feels like an invasion of privacy! This is so twisted."

     "It's quite peculiar," I admitted.

     "Indeed it is."

     Flynn sat up to look at me. Once again, his eyes were full of pain. He looked exhausted. No matter what he'd be dashing, but stress and lack of sleep were draining him and I stared at him, wondering what I could possibly do with him. The fact that he was talking to me meant he was desperate.

     "I'm not looking forward to the next couple of months," Flynn admitted. "It's going to hell."

     "Hey, maybe you'll find the love your life through this," I said, smiling. "You never know, maybe your soulmate is one of the princesses."

     Flynn sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair, but his hazel eyes were locked on mine.

     "I don't think any of them will be the one for me," Flynn said.

     "Why not?" I asked. "You never know. Love happens unexpectedly."

     Flynn shrugged. His eyes were locked on mine, expressing hundreds of emotions I couldn't quite pinpoint. Flynn had always been a mystery to me. In terms of emotions, I was never able to figure him out. And as he stared at me, once again I was left to wonder what he was feeling.

     "I don't know," Flynn said. "But I just know that these princesses aren't for me. And I don't know what I'll do for the next couple of months."

     Flynn lowered his eyes. His eyes were glued to the ground as he grew deep in thought and my eyes lingered on him. Feeling helpless once again, I wondered why he sought comfort in me of all people. I couldn't help him. Especially, after what he did.

     "I hope that whatever happens, you end up happy," I said.

     I meant what I said and Flynn lifted his head up to look at me. His eyes softened and he bowed his head for a moment, leaving me flushing. My heart pounded against my chest as once again, our eyes locked onto each other's.

     "Thank you, Helena," Flynn said. "I hope so, too. I hope that before my twenty first birthday, somehow, everything will fall into place. I hope I'll be free."

     Flynn wore a wistful look as he stared at me and I stared back. But instead of running away like last time, I held Flynn's gaze. Wondering about the boy in front of me, of what he would do, I just stared at him. And as I thought about the upcoming months and how crazy everything would get, I hoped that somehow, everything would be okay. Not only for Flynn, but for myself, too.

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