Chapter 1

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     I was kneeling on the ground in front of Flynn's dress shoes. They were black and dirty, and I was polishing them, cleaning them up before Flynn would meet his parents. And as I sat there cleaning, I glanced at Flynn.

     Flynn was standing in front of a mirror. He just turned twenty. Stubble was beneath his chin and he looked more toned than I remembered. He was staring at his reflection, a confidence in his posture I hadn't seen before.

     "Could you bring my shoes here?" Flynn asked, his eyes still on his reflection.

     Without a word, I brought Flynn's shoes over to him. I dropped them in front of him and stood there, and for a moment I stared at him. And as I stared at him, I thought about how much had changed in a year.

     A year ago, Flynn and I were best friends. We would hang out and talk, teasing and unbothered about our social status. But, one day Flynn woke up and decided I wasn't someone he wanted in his life anymore. And from then on, I would be nothing but his servant. My heart shattered at those words and I focused on doing my job and nothing else. No longer did Flynn and I talk about our hopes and dreams and play games. We kept our relationship formal, one that involved an employer and employee.

     "Well, thank you for your help," Flynn said, his eye never meeting mine. "I'm ready now. You may leave."

     I nodded and walked off to my own room. But the entire way there, thoughts of our past flooded into me. Flynn was once this sweet and kind boy - someone who had my heart racing from merely looking at him, but he was unrecognizable now.


     I was in the ballroom with another one of the servants, Marisa. She had brown hair that reached her chest and big brown eyes. She was beautiful. Someone who caught royalty eyes, even though she was a servant.

     We were dusting off the tapestries, preparing them for a ball that would happen soon. Marisa was humming gently and I was glancing at the King and Queen who were meters away. They were both with Flynn and they were deep in conversation. And from the way Flynn was throwing his hand arounds, scowling, something felt off.

     "Are you checking out Flynn again?" Marisa asked, her voice teasing.

     "No," I said, embarrassed. Somehow, Marisa always caught me looking at Flynn. And as I looked to Marisa, she giggled. "I was just wondering what was going on with them."

     Marisa looked to where Flynn was. She paused, growing deep in thought before she sighed.

     "You know, Flynn is pretty handsome," Marisa said. "Too bad he's always so moody. If he wasn't, I probably would be checking him out the way you do."

     I glanced at Flynn who had his arms crossed over his chest. I always thought he was stunning. But not because of his tousled caramel coloured hair, hazel eyes and chiseled bone structure, but because of the loving heart he once had.

     "He wasn't always like this," I said, thinking back to the day I met him. Flynn had been so sweet. So caring and gentle. It was strange watching him now shout at his parents about not wanting to attend the next ball. "You'd never believe this, but he used to be incredibly sweet and kind. He treated me like I was his equal, but now... he's different. We used to be friends, but now I'm nothing but his servant."

     Marisa frowned. Concern was written across her face.

     "That's horrible. I'm so sorry he threw you away like that," Marisa said. "I wonder what changed... You guys were friends since you were thirteen, right? That's like six years of friendship down the drain."

     "I don't know. He just woke up one day and realized he didn't want to be my friend anymore," I said, shrugging. "But whatever. I'm just trying to forget him and move on."

     I sighed and tried not to grow too emotional. When Flynn said he no longer wanted to be friends anymore, I spent a month crying my eyes out. I'd been so hurt and betrayed, unable to believe my one friend ditched me. But now that Marisa joined a few months ago, I was glad I wasn't so alone.

     "You sound like you were in love with him," Marisa said, leaving me flushing.

     "No," I blurted out. "I wasn't."

     Marisa gave me a look that told me I couldn't fool her and I blushed. Looking away, I grumbled about how I couldn't love him and how I wasn't delusional, but it was pointless. At one point, I'd been in love with Flynn. That was, before he changed.

     "Fine, I did love Flynn," I admitted. "I was absolutely in love with him, but then he changed and now I'm over him. Now he's nothing more than the man I serve."

    "Mmhmm," Marisa said, winking. "Sure you're over your feelings for Flynn."

     My face heated up at her words and I had to look away before Marisa noticed. I was over him. I was sure of it after he pushed me away. But yet, every time Flynn was around, my eyes would drift to where he was.

     "You know, it's so hard to stop caring about someone you once loved," I whispered. "Flynn and I were best friends since we were kids and we grew up together. We basically did everything together. I can't just erase the past and forget about him."

     "I know," Marisa said, her eyes gentle. "I don't understand how he just woke up and decided not to be your friend anymore one day. It doesn't make sense."

     I shrugged, unsure of what to say because I was just as confused. My heart ached as I remembered the way Flynn had cut me off. He was so serious, so expressionless as he tossed me aside. Shock had left me stunned and for days, I'd walked around numbly, unable to believe someone I loved threw me away.

     "I don't know," I said, sighing. "But he's turning twenty one this year. Soon, he has to take over the castle, so maybe he realized he doesn't have time for friends. Especially, a friend who's his servant. He's about to the the King soon."

     "I guess," Marisa said. She frowned. "But that's horrible. You don't need a man like him in your life."

     "I don't."

     I didn't need a guy like Flynn in my life, but yet I wanted him. Even now, even when he wanted nothing to do with me, I still cared about him. And I cursed myself for loving him so hard that I couldn't move on. It'd been a year since he cut me off, but yet, every time I looked at him, my heart would ache.

     "Don't worry Helena, I'll find you a better man," Marisa said, wrapping an arm around me. "He'll be kind and smart and not a jerk like Flynn. You can count on me."

     I laughed at Marisa's words and shook my head. I let her pull me in for a hug and we hugged each other tightly for a moment, welcoming each other's touch. I felt so alone in the castle for months after Flynn cut me off. But then, Marisa was hired. She swooped into my life like a guardian angle and helped me remain whole.

     "I'm done talking to you!" Flynn shouted, leaving Marisa and I jumping apart.

     My eyes flew to where Flynn was and my eyes widened at the sight of him. He was trembling with anger, looking so annoyed that his parents eyes were wide.

     "Stop controlling my life!" Flynn shouted. "Just leave me alone. Let me live!"

     Flynn threw his hands up. He looked overwhelmed, on the verge of breaking down and I frowned. I'd never seen Flynn act like that. He changed, but something felt off.

     Flynn whirled around and he stormed out of the ballroom. His parents stared after him, exchanging a look before they walked off. The both of them looked exhausted. So drained, they were aging too quickly. Frowning, I wondered what was going on.

     "You said he used to be sweet," Marisa said. "Are you sure?"

    "I've never heard Flynn shout before," I said, stunned. "He's changed."

     I stared at the entrance Flynn left through. And as I stared after him, I wondered why he was acting like this. The Flynn I knew was a gentle soul, but he was nothing like the boy he used to be. 

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