Chapter 1

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I thought I was a normal girl at first. I thought I had my life all figured out but I was wrong. I was super wrong! And it all started when I went to Homecoming.

"REAGAN!!" Taylor started, "You are going to be Homecoming queen! You look SO GOOD!" I was dressed in a white and grey ombre dress that was short and there were noodle straps, it made my eyes stand out and it made me look older.

I chuckled. "Do I only look good because you styled me?"

"Hahaha! That... and you look so pretty! Slater will die over you!"

"Yeah he totally will!" Brooklyn agreed.

I laughed at this... like a lot. They turned me to the mirror. They were so right! I looked HOT! I turned around and saw what Brooklyn and Taylor looked like. They weren't ready for Homecoming!

"GUYS! WHY AREN'T YOU GETTING READY FOR HOMECOMING!!!" I basically yelled at them because I want them to look good too.

"Well..." Brooklyn started.

Then Taylor spoke, "Because we... we don't have dates and we don't want to go alone."

"WHAT! YOU TWO ARE LIKE... THE MOST POPULAR PEOPLE IN THE SCHOOL!" That is actually really true though. ALL the boys want to date them.

"Yeah but... we didn't want to hurt anybody's feelings." Brooklyn said.

"Brook we could always do MY idea." Taylor said.

This just got interesting! "What was your idea Tay?"

"Tay! That could still hurt people's feelings though!"

"TAYLOR! WHA- what is your idea? Sorry I don't want to yell." I said trying to calm down.

"Well, I thought we could go alone and then people could ask us if we wanted to dance."

"I like that idea! Tay! That's a really good idea!" I said, mostly because I really want them to come.

"Fine! We'll come!" squealed Taylor. I laughed and waited while they both got changed into dazzling dresses that I wish I had. Brooklyn was dressed in a beautiful sky blue sleeveless short dress. Taylor was wearing a coral pink long dress with a slit in the side and there was one sleeve. They both looked dazzling.

I loved my dress but theirs were so cute! They always had a great style. They transformed me from one of the weird kids to one of the most popular people in school. I'm actually the most popular girl in my grade. They both are tied for second though.

"How do we look!?" Brooklyn said in her diva-voice.

"You guys look so so SO pretty! You will get boys to fall in love with you like THAT!"

"Oh sweety!" Taylor started, "We already HAVE! Just kidding!"

"But we have!" Brooklyn stepped forward.

"Yeah, we have! BUT, Reagan got the best and HOTTEST guy at school! Slater!!!" Taylor said. She looked back at me.

"Yeah. I'll admit, I did get the cutest guy!"

Finally! Homecoming was starting! But Slater was late! It's fine! I just hope he didn't forget me or something. Then the doorbell rang. I didn't go answer it because I had to look good coming down the stairs. I heard my Dad open the door. Then I heard Slater. This was the time to come out.

I opened my door and luckily it was right by the railing so he could see me. I didn't go straight for the stairs instead I went for the railing. I looked down and saw his face. His expression was flawless! He's looked so hot!

"You look... beautiful!" Slater said. I knew he wasn't joking.

"Thanks!" I started walking down the stairs now.

When I got to him, my Dad spoke, "You two be good now! And Slater... have her back at 12:00."

"Yes sir!" Slater said with respect.

"Bye Dad! Love you!" I said as we walked out the door.

"Love you two! Have fun!" he said.

"We will!" Slater said. I smiled at Slate as he opened the door to his car.

I laughed. He got in his car and drove us to Homecoming. We got out of the car and he walked me into Homecoming. We took our pictures and then we met up with Taylor and Brooklyn and one of my other friends, August, she had already gone to Homecoming to help set up. She smiled and waved at someone behind me. I turned to see her date, one of the second hottest boys in the school. I didn't know his name because I already had a hot boyfriend. I didn't need to look at someone else. I smiled at him and watched as he passed and kissed August.

"Hahahahaha!" I laughed

"Reagan!" August stopped kissing, "Logan is a great kisser! No need to laugh!"

Oh so his name is Logan! He looks like a Logan, that's for sure! I laughed and smiled at Slater. We all took friends pictures, ones with girls and ones with only the guys, Taylor and Brooklyn had found dates, like I knew they would, and then we went to the ballroom to PARTY!!!

I'm running for Homecoming Queen but so is my arch nemesis Ava VanHelsing! She's always been my tourmenter because she's jealous of how pretty I am. She's always wanted blond hair and she's always had a HUGE crush on Slater! But Slater has always liked me.

"May I get everyone's attention please?" Principal Tate said into the mic. "It's time for the crowning of Homecoming Queen and King!"

The ballroom went crazy after that sentence like crazy loud. I was doing my part hahahaha!

"Settle down! Now our Homecoming Queen and King are...."

This is so stressful!


When I heard our names I jumped for joy! Then the spotlight was on us and we ran up to the stage.

"YAY!!!! GO REAGAN!!!" I heard Brooklyn, August, and Taylor screaming.

Then everyone chanted, "REAGAN!!! SLATER!!! REAGAN!!! SLATER!!!"

"Thank you all SO much!" I said! I couldn't stop smiling!

"This has been my goal forever! And now it's complete! And the best part is... I'm royalty with my girlfriend! I love you Reagan!" Slater said, then he kissed me.


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