"Oh so your roomate was also in your dorm making out with her boyfriend, so you decided to leave?"you asked. 

"Something like that" she said while laughing. 

"So how was break,Lovegood?" you asked. 

"Nothing really, just trying out a few new potions, experimenting a little bit, what about you Y/L/N?" she asked.

 "Not much either" you said. You looked at luna and saw her earnings. 

"Luna your earnings are so adorable!" you said. 

"Thanks Y/N, I made them myself ." She said. 

"Are those radishes?" you said. 

"No Dirigible plums" she said. She twisted towards the light so you could see them a tad better. 

"Ohh " you said.

 "Y/L/N what did you pick for your Extra Curricular class?" She asked. 

"Mhh I forgot let me check my timetable." you responded. You looked at your timetable and noticed that it said Slytherin at the top. You smacked your head with frustration. 

"Whats wrong Y/L/N?" She asked. 

"This Isn't my timetable, I grabbed the wrong one" you said with a sigh. 

"What do you mean you grabbed the wrong one, did nargles take yours too?" She asked. 

"Umm no not exactly, When I was heading up here I bumped into "The Infamous Tom Marvolo Riddle" and I grabbed his timetable instead of mine" you responded.  

"Ohh well you can just ask for it back" she said.

 "Well...You see the thing is he called me "A Mud Blood" and because of that I called him out for being a Half Blood" you responded. 

"Ohh well I can come with you if you want?" she asked. 

"No its okay Lovegood, I got this" you responded. 

"Well I think I should probably go find him now, See ya Lovegood!" you said. 

"Bye Y/L/N!"  You ran down the astronomy tower and went to the dungeons looking for Riddle. Since you couldn't find him wandering the halls the only place you could look was in the Slytherin common room. You knocked on the Common room hoping someone would open it. With no response the first time, you looked around for a first year Slytherin and told them to open the door, and which to your surprise they did. You went inside the common room and surely enough you found Riddle sitting down near the fire place writing in his journal. You thanked the Slytherin that opened the door and sighed as you walked towards to riddle. You stood infront of him until while he was writing in his Journal. 

"What do you want you sorry excuse for a witch?" he said still looking at his Journal. You stuck your hand out with the timetable in your hand. He looked at it and said 

"You took my timetable?" he said.  

"No you took the wrong one" you said. He clenched his fist and took the timetable out of your hand. He grabbed your arm roughly and walked you out of the common room towards his dorm. He opened his dorm door and let go of your arm. You rubbed your arm looking at the hand mark he left. He grabbed the timetable on his bed and gave it to you. He looked at you while he held out his hand with the timetable waiting for you to grab it. He raised his eyebrows and said "Hurry up and grab it, I dont have all day." You grabbed your timetable out of his hand. 

"Thank you...." you said quietly. 

"Dont thank me, thank your foolishness for not watching where you walk" he said. 

"Listen Riddle Im not the one who couldn't just look at what timetable you were grabbing, so thats on you" you said. He got his wand and stuck it up to your throat.

 "What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" he asked. You gulped. 

He grinned "Aww nothing to say now Y/L/N?'' he said while scoffing. He pulled his wand away. Before he could even say anything you quickly grabbed his wand and pushed him against the wall with your wand at his throat. 

"Riddle you deem me weak but I could kill you right now if I really wanted to but-" You looked at him up and down and looked at his lips. "But I wont" you said backing away.  You pulled his wand back and threw his wand on his bed. You looked at Tom in the corner of your eye seeing him in shock. You headed towards the door before tom could say anything or do anything to you. You headed out of the dorm and stopped infront of his dorm. You looked down at the timetable in your coat realizing it was still Toms. You smacked your head again with anger. You knocked on toms dorm hoping he wouldn't kill you for what you just did. He opened the door with anger all on his face. He grabbed your arm rougher than before and pulled you inside his dorm. He raised his hand wanting to strike you but instead he brushed his hair back. He went up close to you and just looked down on you without saying a word. 

"I never gave you yours back..." you said nervously. You pulled out his timetable in your robe slowy showing him that it was in your hand. He leaned down against you right next to your ear. 

"Pull that stunt again Y/L/N and my wand will be the last thing you see" he said grabbing his timetable out of your hand.

"If im correct thats what you said before" you said. You slid right out under him and left his dorm. 

His Mudblood (Tom Riddle x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ