Chapter 5 - Revelations

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Thorodriel: Chapter 5 - Revelations

"So after all this time the One Ring was in the Shire? And in the possession of a hobbit no less." Elrond questioned, beginning to understand the circumstances they had found themselves in.

Gandalf's face was grave. Whilst unhurt, his encounter with Saruman had left its mark and the wizard was clearly worried.

"Yes, it appears it was under our very noses the whole time. I don't believe Bilbo knows the true origin of his trinket but there is no denying it affected him. And then on his birthday it was passed onto Frodo, with whom it now resides."

"It frightens me to hear this news old friend, for the ring of power is not safe in the hands of such simple folk. Nor anyone for that matter."

"Ah, well it may frighten you more to hear that I was supposed to meet the young hobbit in Bree. I sent a friend to protect them but I fear they are in more danger than I originally anticipated."

Aeweneth had sat in silence whilst the wizard and her father spoke. Though involved in their current predicament, she understood that the betrayal of Saruman was the business of the white council and it was not her place to intrude. At the mention of this new ally, however, her interest was piqued.

"Wait, who did you send? If this truly is the ring of power, the hobbits could be in a whole lot of trouble right now and we can't be dealing with amateurs."

The wizard turned to her, a slight smirk appearing on his previously grim face.

"There's no need to worry about that my dear, I believe your apprentice is more than up to the task."


"He was always too reckless for his own good," she laughed and relaxed slightly, remembering how skilled her old friend could be. The hobbits would be safe with him, she hoped, and after all this time it would be comforting to see the ranger again. "I suppose Estel's time is at hand."

"Either way," Elrond interrupted her nostalgia, "the hobbits are in danger. Even with the ranger as a guide, the path between Bree and here is treacherous. Especially for someone carrying something so powerful."

The three sat in silence for a few more moments, taking in all they had learned. One thing was certain: if the One Ring had returned, the future of Middle Earth was in peril. Eventually, Elrond stood.

"We cannot simply wait hoping they will return unscathed. I will send out riders to find them and bring them here." He declared, before turning to Gandalf specifically. "But the ring cannot stay in Rivendell."

The old wizard nodded in understanding and breathed deeply.

"Summon a council, Lord Elrond. Our fate will soon be decided."

Her father made his way for the door but paused before leaving, "Aeweneth, if you would show Gandalf to his room, please. I am sure he is tired after his ordeal."

She nodded and, without another glance, Elrond left the chamber and started on his task.


Aeweneth led the grey wizard up to his usual room. Since her father had left, the pair had remained in absolute silence contemplating the events occurring around them. Gandalf's room, like her own, remained exactly the same as she remembered it. Without thinking twice, she made her way straight through to the balcony where she sat on the wall looking over the grounds. The wizard, after laying his belongings on the bed, followed her out and stood beside her, looking into the distance. They had always had this connection, ever since she was a child. The pair could quite happily sit for hours in each-others company without saying a single word. Her father believed it was related to her gift, but she knew it was because the wizard understood her better than her own family. The pair sat and watched as Elrond's riders made their way out of the gates and into the outside world, her brothers among them. One by one, the hooves of their horses echoed through the valley as they set out in search of the hobbits. Everything seemed to be running smoothly until Arwen burst through the doors. Dressed in her cloak and riding boots, she ran at one of the outgoing riders and grabbed at his reins.

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