Chapter 32 - The Brigade

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At the beginning of the night, Flora was called to the stables, for a servant boy. The stables were a big house in the southeast corner of the castle leaving to a big field with paddocks, many horses were living there, trained to be able to withstand the odor that the wolves emanated. "What's the issue?" Asked Flora, to the stable boy.

"Jax is back, my Lady, and three horses were stolen tonight!" He answered a little afraid of her reaction.

"Which ones were stolen?" Asked Flora, with a feeling on her mind that she knew who did it.

"Miara, Anedosia, and Travesco." The stable boy said.

"You've said it all, it was Josh, Rob, and Michel! They were begging me to go on a scouting trip to the Plains, to get an idea of the field!" Flora said, crossing her arms. "Prepare me Fiora I'll go after them, also prepare Corvus, I'll invite someone to come with me, I need a steady horse for beginners."

"It'll be done in a minute."

Flora turned her back to enter the castle, she reached the dining room where everyone was eating, without making any pleasantries she announced. "Three horses were stolen, I know who did it and I'll go after them, to stop them before they make anything foolish! I need someone to accompany me."

Everyone looked towards Flora, with a face of surprise, one person stood up, volunteering to go, which surprised everyone. "I'll go! I'm not doing anything here, I want to help!" Patricia said, showing a strong will.

Flora smiled, she guessed that much. "I was hoping you'd volunteer to come with me, I've asked the stable not to prepare you a horse."

"A horse?" Asked Patricia, a little bit surprised. "I never mounted. I don't know how."

"Trust me, I'll help, I've asked for a beginners horse, so he would know what to do even if you don't!"

"Okay, I'll trust you. I just want to be useful!"

"Then come!" Asked Flora turning her back, someone shouted good luck.

The stable boy introduced them to two horses, one was black with grey markings, which Flora introduce to Patricia as being Corvus, and a white horse, which Flora mentions to be Fiora.

They went in the night after Fiora explained to Patricia how to ride the horse. They spent two hours riding, reaching the Plains. Flora stopped the horse and inspired the night air, trying to catch a scent, then she stirred the horse towards the northeast and after more than an hour riding, they found the three-man and their horses, they were surveying a fire with five people, their swords were ready in their hands. "Leave them be, I want to see how this will turn out!" Said Flora, touching Patricia to keep her from moving forward.

The taller man seemed to be the leader of the group, he was giving orders, and the other two elements followed it, they started moving into the position of attack, each of them from one of the side of the people gathered around the fire, Flora and Patricia noticed that the people gathered around the fire wasn't humans but vampires.

They saw them attacking, but soon after, they were overpowered, and it was time that Patricia and Flora to get in the mix, Flora took the first step, her sword in her hand, Patricia got her now and fitted an arrow ready to shoot.

Flora began fighting and Patricia chooses her targets and her aim was true wherever she aimed the arrow follow to strike. But more two vampires appeared out of nowhere, one of them disarmed Patricia and wrestled with her until he pressed a knife to her neck, but someone appeared from behind as stabbed a knife to the vampire's heart, Patricia turned to fight the unknown threat, but instead, a cry shouted from her mouth. "Schirouca!"

The man appeared beaten and blooded, but that didn't prevent Patricia to jump into his arms, kissing him passionately, as if the whole world had disappeared in a second, and a safe harbor was in reach, in his arms, she felt safe. Flora smiled, understanding what was going on, and turned to the three men behind her, the fight had been over, the bodies of the vampires laid on the ground. "Now about you three... I have the perfect punishment for you, you will take care of this mess, I want these bodies buried, and when we reach the castle we will talk more! Did you understood?"

"Yes, mam!" They answered.

"Rob and Joshua don't need to be further punished, I was the one who gave the order!" Told Michel, taking responsibility for the whole team.

"I've said that in the castle we will talk more, but I saw everything, and you taking responsibility only makes me believe that I had reason in making you the captain." Told Flora, giving her back to the man, she directed her attention to Patricia and the new person in their midst. "So this is Schirouca?"

"Yes, Mam, I'm sorry for appearing this way, but I needed to find Patricia at all cost, and bring her back to the camp."

Patricia shook her head with terror, shocking her head signaling no. "Please don't, we don't need to go back, I don't want to go back! We will be better here, they don't punish us the same way they don't treat us like animals, but as a person."

"But I'm not welcomed, and our Alpha is Rufus, we have to obey him, without an Alpha we are easy prey to vampires and humans!"

"We are a pack, we accepted Patricia and we will accept you. Our Alpha is an understanding woman she will welcome you with open arms!" Said, Flora. "If you don't believe in the words of the woman that you love come with us, for two nights, and you'll see the difference!"

Schirouca stared between Patricia and Flora, surprised by the offer and for the reason that made Patricia confess the love between them.

"You told them?" Asked Schirouca to Patricia.

"They don't have a problem with that, we aren't property to no one and they have multiple couples in the pack, inclusive, two men, and they aren't judged upon but accepted, please my love, we need to take this opportunity, to know things other than cruelty and fear."

"For you Patricia, I'll do it!"

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