-Political Beliefs-

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Punk political beliefs are very left ideas, and sorry to break it to you but you can't be conservative and punk.

Yes there are neo-nazis and white supremacists in the punk subculture but most punks don't respect them. I mean most punk songs are condemning fascists, and racists etc.

Punks are:

•anti-authoritarian (that means they are against oppressive governments who often make decisions without regard for the general population, and give very little individual freedom)

•anti-capitalism (that means they believe corporations have too much power. they believe in a decreased income gap, and economic equality)

•ACAB, also written as 1312 which are the numbers corresponding with the letters of ACAB (all cops are bastardized, meaning the police system is corrupt and even if you're a good cop you feed into this corrupt system. this does not mean all cops are bad)

•anti-consumerism (this means punks worry about ethics, environmental protection etc. when it comes to buying from companies. fast fashion, and unethically sourced materials are a no-no. this doesn't mean you can't buy an iphone etc. it means you try to be conscious of where you're buying products and try to buy from good sources. because of this clothes are often re-purposed, and thrifting is a big thing)

•anarchism (skeptical of authority, and often rejects it. it's deeper than that but that's a base description. it's often associated with communism, socialism, and marxism)

•some punks believe in nihilism (nothing matters in the long run, life has no meaning etc. Many punks would use drugs and participated in a lot of self-destructive behaviors because of this) and from my experiences in smaller online punk scenes, this isn't as common belief anymore

If you are getting into punk it is good idea to read a lot about the political beliefs and make sure you understand it.

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