Chapter 89

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BreeHex: my boys ❤️

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BreeHex: my boys ❤️

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TomHolland2013: my girls

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Username7; he copies her post eye-

BreeHex: this is so cute 😤
- TomHolland2013: I know you are

Username69: I was rooting for Tom and Zendaya 😭

RobertDowneyJr: yOu WeReNt SaFe EnOuGh
- TomHolland2013: we wore out seatbelts 😤😤

Username97; I can't wait for the Spider-Man movie

Username9: is Bailey going to be in Spider-Man Homecoming?
- BreeHex: 😏

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Grish: you are.... my fire

Bee: the one desire

Grish: believe when I say

Bee: I want it that way


Bee: why

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Bee: why....

Grish: I really miss you

Bee: what do you want?.....

Grish: can't I just miss my best friend?

Bee: you? Never


Bee: why are you like this

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Bee: why are you like this

Grish: I dunno ask ma mumma

Bee: awe I love Melissa Vesada

Grish: why are you nice to her but horrible to 😤

Bee: cuz she makes good food

Grish: hormones are making you a bitch


Grish: ok fine maybe I do want something

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Grish: ok fine maybe I do want something

Bee: I knew it. What's up?

Grish: it's Seb's birthday in a week and I want to make it special

Bee: what do you have in mind?

Grish: I don't know that's why I need ✨help✨

Bee: fine come over, I have already ordered food and Tom will be out for a couple of hours for interviews

Grish: your the best

Bee: I know 💁🏻‍♀️

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