Chapter 34

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BreeHex: sir I would appreciate it if you let me down we have scenes to film

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BreeHex: sir I would appreciate it if you let me down we have scenes to film

Tagged: TomHolland2013

64949 likes// 7493 comments

Username77: yes bitches

Username99: my otp

GraceVex: I'm still mad
- BreeHex: it was just coffee relax I still love you 😘
- MarkX: just coffee my ass
- GraceVex: yeahhhhh What Mark said 😛

Username8: I feel like Grace is crushing on Mark
- GraceVex: no he is like a brother to me 😂

TomHolland2013; nope I'm gonna hold you hostage
- BreeHex: but dude I like really need this job :)
- TomHolland2013: so do I, ill just carry you set

RobertDowneyJr: stop being so cute wtf 🤢

ElizabethOl: girl I swear if you don't snatch him I will
- TomHolland2013: thanks?
- BreeHex: it's fine you can have him I don't want him

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Private Messages:

Noah: I just finished my last paper wanna grab drinks to celebrate?

Bee: I can't tonight😫 I'm sorry but I have a night shoot tonight so won't get in till early morning

Noah: that's fine how about lunch tomorrow?

Bee: I normally have food onset cuz it's easier 

Noah: damn ok what about dinner tomorrow?

Bee: your really eager to see me huh 

Noah: what can I say we have been out of touch for so long

Bee: that's true coffee was nice the other day

Noah: so how about it?

Bee: how about what?

Noah: dinner tomorrow unless you've got another night shoot ya know being an actress and all

Bee: awe love the flattery Noah but I can't

Noah: is it a shoot?

Bee: no Um I'm going out with the rest of the cast for a little meal

Noah: oh how sweet I'll leave you then

Bee; yeah I have to shot a scene now anyways

Noah: have fun

BreeHex: foooood 🤤

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BreeHex: foooood 🤤

Tagged: ElizabethOl and ScarletJ

7494 likes// 7494 comments

Username8: they look like nice sandwiches

ElizabethOl: subway is superior
- BreeHex: of course

Username77: such an attractive picture

ScarlettJ: wow we are looking smexy
- BreeHex: always bby

MarkX: where is my sandwich?
- BreeHex; at the store 😛

Username58: can't wait to see this film!

Username55; I think Bree will ruin Bailey's character
- ChrisEvansOffical: no one asked for opinion so it's ok 🤫

Username3: Chris I'm dead 😂

TomHolland2013: I am offended I wasn't invited to this meal
- BreeHex: you are eating in RDJ's village now shush

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