Chapter 56

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Private Messages:

Grish: you and Tom confirmed xhjsjdhdjdjdjd

Bee: I know I'm so scared

Grish: what why?

Bee: everything is going well with Tom but what if it all gets ruined because of the press

Grish: Bree everything is going to be fine, the fans will obsess over you two for a while until one of the Kardashians releases a sex tape or something and everyone will move on

Bee: that's fair but what if the press starts digging around in my past?

Grish: and find what? You and Mark covered everything up it's fine don't worry about it

Bee: your right I'm just being paranoid

Grish: this is your time to relax and revel in the success of your first film

Bee: I hate that you can't be here :(

Grish; someone has to hold down the fort. Anyways have a drink for me

Bee: I have my dress fitting now wish me luck

Grish: Bree you were born a Graston you are regal

Private Messages:

Sparky: I have a question

Spidey: what is it love?

Sparky: is this the type of dress to wear to a premier

Sparky: is this the type of dress to wear to a premier

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Spidey: wha- yeah yes of course it is

Sparky: good :))

Spidey: lets go out for lunch

Sparky: Tom that's really sweet but I don't have the money

Spidey; Bree you were payed $340,000 for this film

Sparky: how do you know how much I got?

Spidey: I may have asked Jo and Anthony how much they were offering you

Sparky: that was an evasion of privacy Tom

Spidey: look I'm sorry but if you want I'll pay for lunch

Sparky: don't worry about lunch I'm not hungry anyway

Spidey: ok well I'll pick you up tomorrow for the LA Premier

Sparky: I'm gonna catch a lift with Elizabeth and Sebastian

Spidey: but we agreed I would be picking you up

Sparky: that was until I found out you were interested in my money

Spidey: Bree that wasn't it at all

Sparky: I'll see you tomorrow evening Tom

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