Missing part 1

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Mackenzie's POV

My name is Makenzie Adams-Foster. I am the youngest of five kids of Stef and Lena Adams-Foster.

There's Brandon and Callie who are 17. Mariana and Jesus who are 16 and then there's me. I'm 15. Brandon is the only biological kid. Stef is his biological mom. They started fostering the twins when they were 8 and adopted them when they were 11. A year after they started fostering the twins they started fostering me. I was also 8. And we all got adopted the same day so when I was 10. And they just adopted Callie 2 years ago.

I know it's a full house. But it doesn't feel like it. The boys share a room. Then Mariana and I share a room and Callie has her own room because she's the oldest of the girls.

Being so young when I was put in the system, I never knew my parents. Unlike my siblings. They all have met their parents or are still in contact with them. It doesn't matter to me if I know them but it would be nice to have met them once but that's not the case. Besides I have my moms.

Until today.

We're all walking into the house after school and when we get to the kitchen we find our moms and Bill. Bill is the social worker who placed all of us with Stef and Lena.

"Hey kiddos. Can y'all go upstairs please?" Stef says. We all agree and start to head towards the stairs when they stop me.

"Except you Kenz. We need to talk to you about something."

"Did I do something? Am I in trouble?" I ask sitting down at the end of the table. Stef and Lena on my right, bill on my left.

"No not at all love." Stef says.

"So what's the matter?" I ask nervously.

"Um I have been contacted by your birth parents." Bill says.

"What? I thought there was no information on them."

"There wasn't. They contacted me showed your original birth certificate and even hospital records. They want to do a DNA test to confirm but from what they've told me. You were taken when you were two. A year later you were put into the system and you know all of the rest. But they said they've been searching for you since you went missing but because you moved around so much they weren't able to."

"What do you mean? I've been right here for 8 years. If they were looking for me they would've found me a while ago. What changed?" I say getting mad.

"Calm down. It's not Bills fault. He's only the messenger." Lena says. I take a deep breath before looking back to Bill.

"I know it's a lot. And that this is a rare thing but I know from what your moms have told me that you've wanted to meet them. At least once. I think that doing the test would be good. And if it confirms that they're your parents maybe meeting them. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. And I made that clear to them." Bill says.

"When can we do the test?" I ask.

"I have the stuff here. We can do it now and I'll send it to the lab." He says getting the swab and bag and tube out of his briefcase.

After Bill leaves I go upstairs and sit in my bed drawing. I draw when I'm upset or when I'm bored.

"Hey kiddo." Stef says walking in.

"Hey." I say setting my pencil down.

"How are feeling after our talk with Bill?" She asks sitting down next to me. I shrug and look down at my drawing.

"That's not an answer. And I know it's bothering you. You draw when you're upset or something is bothering you." She says and I stay silent.

"Okay. If you don't want to talk about that then how about you tell me what you're drawing."

The Fosters One shotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora